December 27, 2018

20 Funny Hidden Google Tricks that you Would Love (with GIF Animation)

About Guest Author:The article is provided by Pavan Deshpande who blogs at .You can add him on FacebookFollow on Twitter and Google+.

Google is one of the Top Seach Engine in the world , with billions of page views per day , apart from search engine Google provides other kind of services like gmail, google plus ,maps ,books and many more which are commonly know by many of us but there are some hidden features which are not know for us.Here in this post i am listing some of hidden tricks and features of google.

  sqrt(6-x^2), -sqrt(6-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5

Lets See Each One Of Them One by One

1.Google Gravity

To see the effect of gravity on google then just type “Google Gravity ” in search box and click on first link

2.Google Sphere

To see google moving like a globe the just type “Google Sphere” in search box and click on first link

3.Do a barrell roll

To see google search result to rotate 306 degree,then just type “do a barrel roll” in search box

4.Zerg rush

To see the google search result to chew up then just type  “zerg rush” in search box

5.Google Logo

To see your own name or text instead of google then just type “Google Logo” in search box and click on first result you will navigated to and there enter your name or any text in search box and the click “create my search page now” button

6.Google Mirror

To see the mirror version of google just type “elgoog” in search box and click on first link

7.Google Rainbow

To see the google logo in rainbow then just type “Google Rainbow” in search box and click on first result

8.Google Terminal

To see google in terminal version then just type “Google Terminal” in search box and click on first link

9.Google Weenie

To see google in small font version then just type “Weenie Google” in search box and click on first link

10.Google Epic

To see google in big font version then just type “Epic Google” in search box and click on first link

11.Atari Breakout

To play atari breakout in browser  just goto google images and then type “atari breakout” in search box and  you can start playing it

12. Calculator

Nobody wants to keep or carry calculator with them in this age of technology , But you can make use of calculator when you want by using the internet Just type calculator in google search and you will get a calculator in the result.

13. Currency Converter

Currency Converter is useful reference tool of google for converting the currencies of two different countries Just type Currency Converter in google search and you will get a converter tool

14. Unit converter

Unit Converter is  very useful reference tool of google for converting the different kind of units for ex  in length category converting foot to inches and many more Just type Unit Converter in google search and you will get a converter tool

15. Timer

Timer is an awesome reference tool of google which lets you set the time and use it as a timer. Just type Timer in google search and you will get a Timer tool

16. Population

Now it has been easy to know the population of any country with the help of google population tool Just type population country name in google search and you will get the population stat of that country

17. Current Time

To know the current time of your location just type current current time in google search and  you will  get current time

18. Gravitational Constant

Gravitational constant value is very big and not easy to remember then just type Gravitational constant in google search and you will see the gravitational constant value

19. Country Code

To Know the country code of any country just type country name followed by code in google search.

20. Find Map of any place

To know the map of any place in the world , just type place name followed by map , then you will see the map in the google result.

Do let us know which Google Trick did you love the most in your comments.

About the author 

Imran Uddin

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