May 12, 2020

6 Things to Do before You Launch an App to Ensure Its Success

Making a business of an app requires more than just programming skills. You need to know when, where, and how to release the app to ensure it meets your goals. Once you have developed an application, be sure to do these things before releasing it.

Study Your Market and Competitors

If you want to make a business out of an app, then you must treat it like one. Just like any startup, research about your industry and competitors. First, you will learn about your audience to understand their needs and pain points, and then about competitors to look for a unique selling point. It will give you an idea of how to get an edge over the strong competition. Don’t be afraid to make updates if needed.

Make the Most User-Friendly Interface

Remember that you’re creating the app for the user not for yourself. There is a chance that your idea of a great interface might be different from users. Conduct surveys to take the opinion of people that don’t have the same mindset as you to create a better interface. Even the best of apps immediately flop when their user interface isn’t compatible with users.

Ensure its Security

Your users are putting their trust in you by using your application. Cyber-attacks have only increased with time and, from small startups to multinational corporates, no one is safe from them. That’s why the security of the application should be a serious concern. Acquire the services of a team of expert ethical hackers like to test your app for vulnerabilities. Finding and solving security holes before the release will protect you from attacks that could potentially bring your entire business down.

Create Branded Screenshots

People try to learn as much about the application as possible before installing it. They first see if the app has the features they want and if it’s user-friendly or not. For that, they view the information provided with the app. You can make it easy for them to decide by providing branded screenshots of the interface. Furthermore, a short video of the app could also be helpful for marketing purpose.

Spread Brand Awareness

People don’t know how great of an app you have developed. It’s your job to reach out and tell them. This process is called spreading brand awareness. Use digital marketing channels to reach your prospects and share your message in a manner that doesn’t feel like advertising. Over 63% of mobile users discover applications on app stores of iOS and Android, so it’s wise to invest in App Store Optimization.

Blog and Social Media Pages

Create a website with a blog and regularly publish an article that is relevant to your app and attractive for the target audience. Furthermore, create pages on all social media pages and build their following. It will not only help you attract new users but also help retain the existing ones. You can create posts about the benefits of the apps and some tips and tricks to using it.

About the author 

Imran Uddin

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