August 28, 2022

Best Way to Become a Health Insurance Agent in India

For quite a while, the world has been changing rapidly. From pollution to the degrading quality of vegetables, the lifestyle for most Indians has taken a bad turn due to bad eating habits, stressful life, and the majority of Indians not getting a goodnight’s sleep. This has adversely affected people’s health, and diabetes, heart problems, and kidney disorders are becoming more and more common.

In a situation like this, being a health insurance agent and helping people get good health insurance will help them cover their medical bills if they fall ill.

In this article, we will talk about who exactly is a health insurance agent. How can you become one? What is the difference between POSP and IRDAI certification? So, let’s start with the basics first and understand who a health insurance agent is.

Who is a Health Insurance Agent?

Health insurance agents are affiliated with or work under a Life insurance company, and they help clients find and avail the best health insurance for them. Health insurance helps them financially aiding the client if they feel sick. You are helping people with their health and saving their money in tax deductions.

How to Become a Health Insurance Agent?

If you want to be a health insurance agent, apply to a life insurance company. The process is extremely simple. To become a health insurance agent, you must complete POSP, Point of Sales Person certification. And if you want to enter the health industry as a professional IRDAI certification is a better choice and provides better opportunities.

The best way to become a health insurance agent starts with insurance agent registration with a company in which you can fill out the form online and then submit the documents the company asks for. Today the process is paperless and takes less than 10 mins.

Difference Between POSP and IRDAI Certification

POSP is a newer model that IRDAI came up with for people with 10th qualification, and the IRDAI certificate requires you to be at least 12th graduate.


Point of Sales Person is a certification in which you must undergo basic training to become certified in health insurance. It generally has a short training period of 15 hours in which you are taught about the art of selling and basic but essential details about health insurance. An end examination is conducted by the insurance agency you applied for.

After this certification, you can become a health insurance agent and work on getting clients and selling them health insurance. A point-of-sale person can only sell the clients pre-underwritten and simple insurance plans.


The Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDAI) is the authority that oversees the insurance sector of our country. They are the body that supervises the insurance companies and also conducts an exam to get certified as an insurance agent. The training for the exam is extensive, and you must go through 50 hours of training.

An IRDA-certified insurance agent can not only sell but also act as a consultant for the client and provide them with custom health insurance that fits their needs perfectly.

It’s always good to look on the bright side of things and hope for the best health, but the human body is susceptible to illness, and the surrounding world is not helping, be the helping hand for the people who need you and become a health insurance agent. Now you are clear on becoming a health insurance agent, so get all your documents together and don’t wait. If you want to become a health insurance agent, apply now!

About the author 

Elle Gellrich

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