March 13, 2018

Check out How Steve Jobs’ 1973 Job Application Looked Like From 3 Years Before He Founded Apple

Late last week, a 1973 job application signed by legendary entrepreneur and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has surfaced. The decades-old application is sloppy and rife with mistakes, which was filled by Jobs when he had dropped out of the fall semester in 1972 after six months of getting enrollment at Reed College.


Before revolutionizing the tech industry, Steve Jobs was just an ordinary college student looking for an employment opportunity. He had just dropped out of Reed College and he was still three years away from founding Apple and changing the computer industry forever. The job application filled out by an 18-year-old Steve Jobs provides us with an interesting glimpse into how Jobs viewed himself while still a student.

Jobs noted that he was an English Lit major. He listed “computer” and “calculator” as skills while mentioning “electronics tech” and “design engineer” as his interests. What’s more, the job application makes a quick reference to Jobs’ previous work experience at Hewlett-Packard. However, he misspelled “Hewlett-Packard” as “Hewitt-Packard.” And there is no indication of what type of position Jobs was applying for here.


Now, the job application went up for auction at Boston-based auction house RR Auction and is expected to fetch as much as $50,000 (£36,000) by the time the auction comes to an end this coming Thursday (15th March 2018). The bids for his job application can be placed here.

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