March 24, 2021

Cystic acne: Causes, prevention, and safe treatment at home

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We are currently still dealing with the global pandemic with ongoing lockdowns and restrictions all around the world. It has definitely been a stressful year for all. In order to battle stress people, use different approaches like investing more time in physical exercise, learning new skills, starting new habits or some people take it easy and like to read or watch series or even spend some time on online casino. Stress affects our bodies in various ways and one part of it that also gets affected is our skin. In this article, we will specifically analyze the skin condition of cystic acne, its possible causes, and potential treatments. We will see how we can prevent and even how to cure this unsightly and painful problem.

If you address the problem at the beginning, it will be easier to overcome it. Have you ever wondered what these big, red pimples are under the skin? Unlike common pimples, they do not rise to the surface. It is a different type of acne called cystic acne.

What is cystic acne?

They have clogged pores filled with sebum and dead cells that cause inflammation. They turn into cystic acne when the pore swells under the skin, causing the inflammation to infiltrate the surrounding tissue. The body, activating its defense mechanism, forms a cyst around it to stop the inflammation from spreading further.

They look like red bumps. As if you were bitten by an insect. They appear on the face but can also be seen on the neck, chest or back. These pimples grow below the surface of the skin and do not form that familiar white head, so they are difficult to break.

They require special attention. Cystic pimples can leave scars if left untreated or treated incorrectly. For example, if you squeeze them trying to break them, the infection will spread even further below the surface of the skin, making the problem bigger.

They are painful because they are inflammatory. Swelling stimulates adjacent nerve fibers and causes pain.

What causes cystic acne?

Hormones: Hormonal changes are responsible for the dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, which causes the body to produce so much fat that the pores are filled with sebum and pathogenic bacteria. Bacteria multiply, causing inflammation and thus a cystic pimple begins.

You are more likely to develop cystic acne when these hormones are prevalent, such as during adolescence, pregnancy, and a few days before each period.

Stress: When you are under pressure and your stress level is extremely high, your body responds by producing cortisol, another hormone that over-stimulates the glands to produce more sebum.

How can I deal with it?

Try these simple solutions to safely get rid of cystic pimples that have just started to appear.

• Multivitamins: Talk to your doctor about taking vitamins daily. Zinc reduces skin inflammation, while vitamin E can help to have healthy and perfect skin.

• Warm pad: Apply a cotton ball with warm water on the pimple for five minutes and then dry gently. Then apply a cream suitable for acne. Repeat this process three times a day until it disappears.

• Ice: Put an ice cube on the pimple for a few seconds or as long as you can. Ice will smooth your skin and shrink the pimple.

• Cortisone: If you have to go to a big event like a dance or a party and hot and ice treatment do not help, do not panic. See your doctor so he can inject the pimple with cortisone. A steroid hormone that reduces inflammation under the skin and shrinks swelling. Within six hours the pimple should go away.

It is important to understand that you should not try to break the cysts of cystic acne. In addition to the unbearable pain, you will feel, it can make the condition worse. This can also lead to permanent scarring.

How can I prevent it?

• Healthy eating: A healthy diet will not cure the acne you already have, but it can supply you with the essential vitamins and nutrients to prevent it from appearing. Enrich your daily diet with foods rich in Vitamin B6 and B-carotene.

• Vitamin B6: to balance hormone levels (a banana or a bowl of whole grains)

• B-carotene: to give the skin a smoother texture (two medium carrots)

Cleanser: Use salicylic acid or a mild cleansing lotion twice a day to cleanse the skin pores of dirt, sebum, and dead cells.

Topical treatment: Look for creams that contain ingredients that fight pimples, such as benzoyl peroxide. The key is to have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory action. To act on the whole problem area and not only on the pimples but also on the inflammation that creates them.

Cystic acne can be more difficult than you realize and is not as common as dark spots on the face. It may require stronger medications to treat it. If your problem persists after a month or less, see your doctor.

Birth control pills: If cystic pimples are common, birth control pills may help. Some formulas help regulate the hormones that cause this problem and have been shown to improve acne symptoms.

• Medication: Only your doctor can prescribe the right medication to treat severe acne. They will diagnose the exact extent of the damage, may recommend a systematic treatment (medications and creams), and will monitor you until you have completely eliminated it.

Follow these methods to keep your skin healthy, glowing, and free of these unwanted pimples on the face caused by cystic acne. Consult your doctor about what is right for you.

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About the author 

Peter Hatch

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