August 3, 2018

How to Quickly Delete a Useless Page in MS Word (Mobile and Desktop)?

Any writer or blogger or any professional documents are usually created and edited in Microsoft Word. It is an easy to use powerful document creating software. In this article, we will tell you how to delete a page in MS Word.

How to delete a page in MS word (Computer or Laptop)?

How to Delete a Single Page in MS Word?

There are 4 easy steps that you can follow to quickly delete a page in Microsoft Word:

  • Go to view tab.
  • Switch on the navigation pane.
  • Select the page you want to delete from the navigation menu.
  • Press delete to erase the page.

Open the word document that you need to modify. Make sure you have selected the right document before you make any changes. Once the data is deleted it might never come back. Just kidding, you can just “undo”. Relax! Just follow these easy steps and you will be fine.

Step 1: Go to view tab

Now that the necessary word document is opened, go to View tab to find the navigation pane option. You need to select the page before you delete it. Navigation menu helps you go through the entire word document with ease. When you’re editing a book or a really long legal document, the navigation menu comes in handy.

How to delete a page in ms word document step 2

Step 2: Select the navigation pane option.

Enable the navigation pane in order to access the navigation panel. Make sure you’re in the middle tab where a list of pages is visible.
How to delete a page in ms word document step 3

Step 3: Select the single page you want to delete.

Select the page you want to delete. Make sure you selected all the content on the page before you press delete.

How to delete a page in MS Word document step 4

Step 4: Press delete to erase the page.

After you have selected the entire page content, press delete.

How to delete a page in ms word document step 5

After you press the delete button on your keyboard, the page and the content on it disappears from your word document. If you accidentally deleted the wrong page, don’t worry just undo the previous action by pressing Ctrl-Z (Ctrl + Z). Then go through these steps again. Save the file before closing the document to update the changes you made.

How to Delete a Blank Page in MS Word?

Sometimes a blank page appears in your word document out of nowhere. You would want to delete these blank pages. It is quite easy to make a blank page disappear in MS word.

Follow these simple steps to delete any blank page in Microsoft Word:

  • Go to view and enable the navigation pane.
  • Go to the blank page
  • Enable paragraph marks
  • Select the paragraph marks
  • Press delete

Step 1: Go to View and enable the navigation pane

Go to View tab and find the navigation pane check box. Check that box to enable the navigation menu.

How to delete a blank page in ms word step 1

Step 2: Go to the blank page

In the navigation pane, select the page that you want to delete. In this case, it is easy to spot the blank page. Click on the page to go to the empty page.

How to delete a blank page in ms word step 2

Step 3: Enable paragraph marks.

In the home tab, find the paragraph marks option and click it to enable the paragraph marks and page breaks. Or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+8 to switch on or off the paragraph marks in windows. If you’re using a Mac computer, use command key + 8.

How to delete a blank page in ms word step 3

Step 4: Select the paragraph marks.

After you have enabled the paragraph marks, you will be able to see the marks on the empty document. Select all the paragraph marks on the blank page.

How to delete a blank page in ms word step 4

Step 5: Press Delete.

Once you have selected the paragraph marks, the only thing left to do is pressing the delete button. Press delete and erase the blank page from MS word.

How to delete a blank page in ms word step 5

You have successfully deleted the blank page in your word document. Save the word document and close it to update the changes you made to this MS word document.

How to delete multiple pages in your word document?

If you’re editing a book or any word document, sometimes you need to delete multiple pages at once. However, only consecutive pages can be deleted. Now, you don’t have to hassle over selecting a lot of pages at once with the cursor. With these easy steps, you can delete hundreds and hundreds of pages at once without sweating.

Here are the steps to deleting multiple pages in Microsoft Word:

  • Go to View
  • Enable the navigation pane
  • Open Find and Replace toolbox by pressing Ctrl+G
  • Go to the first page of multiple pages
  • Press F8 to enable the extend mode
  • Go to the final page of the multiple pages
  • Press delete to erase multiple pages in Microsoft Word

In this tutorial, we will delete 3 to 5 pages of a word document for demonstration purpose.

Step 1: Go to View.

You have to select the pages before you can delete them. You need the navigation pane to easily swift through pages in your word document.

How to delete multiple pages in MS word step 1

Step 2: Enable the navigation pane.

Find the Navigation Pane check box and enable it.

How to delete multiple pages in MS word step 2

Step 3: Open “Find and Replace” toolbox by pressing Ctrl+G

If you have hundreds of pages in your word document, scrolling to the page you need can be a little troublesome. So instead use the Go To feature that is available in the Find and Replace toolbox. Enter the number of the page you need to go to and just press Go To button. To open the Find and Replace Dialog box, press Ctrl+G.

How to delete multiple pages in MS word step 3

Step 4: Go to the first page of the multiple pages.

In this case, we typed in three because we need to delete 3 to 5 pages from this word document. Close the Find and Replace toolbox.

How to delete multiple pages in MS word step 4

Step 5: Press F8 to enable the extended mode.

Enable the extended mode. The extended mode enables the users to easily select the huge amount of text. Press F8 to enable the extended mode.

How to delete multiple pages in MS word step 5

Step 6: Go to the final page of the multiple pages you want to delete.

Open the Find and Replace toolbox again by pressing Ctrl+G.

Here is the tricky part: if you want to go to the 5th page, you put 5 in the input field; however, if you want to select the content from 3rd page to 5th page, you need to put 6 in the input field; and not 5. Select all the content you need to delete. Make sure your selection is right.

How to delete multiple pages in MS word step 6
In this image, we put 5 and select the content in the 3rd and 4th pages of this word document.

Step 7: Press delete to erase multiple pages.

Now that you selected the content and pages that you want to delete, the only thing left to do is to press delete. Press delete and erase multiple pages which you have selected from the word document.

How to delete multiple pages in MS word step 8

You have successfully deleted the content. Save the word document and close it. Or just continue with work. Whatever it is you need to do, do it.

How to delete useless pages in Microsoft Word (Mobile or Tablet)?

How to Delete Single Page/Multiple Pages in Microsoft Word?

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts available on the Microsoft Word android mobile app. However, deleting a single page or multiple pages is very easy on the mobile phone app. Since there is touch input on Android smartphones, the selection process is pretty easy. Unless you have a slow mobile phone, these steps are quite easy to follow and execute.

Follow these three simple steps to delete one or multiple pages in Microsoft Word:

  • Long press anywhere on your mobile phone screen to toggle the select mode.
  • Select the page[s] or content that you want to delete.
  • Press delete to erase the page from your word document.

Step 1: Long press anywhere on your mobile screen to toggle the select mode.

You need to select the content before you can delete it. In order to select the content, long-press on the mobile screen. Long-pressing on the mobile screen will enable the selection mode. Use the two markers that appear on the screen to select the beginning and the ending of the content you need to delete.

How to delete a page in MS Word mobile app on android device step 1
Step 2: Select the page/ content you need to delete.

Now carefully select all the pages and their content that you need to delete.
How to delete a page in MS Word mobile app on android device step 2

Step 3: Press back-space to erase the page from your word document.

Make sure you selected the right set of content/pages before you delete. Press back-space on the onscreen keyboard to delete the selected content.
How to delete a page in MS Word mobile app on android device step 3

Even if you mess up and deleted the wrong content, don’t worry, you can undo and repeat the steps to delete the right content.

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We hope this article helped you learn how to delete a page on Microsoft Word.

About the author 


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