October 2, 2018

How To Download YouTube Videos (2019): Android, iOS, Mac, Deleted, Private

Have you ever wished to watch YouTube videos in offline mode? Browsing and watching Live YouTube videos has been a mind-numbing and irksome job. Here we will be introducing a simple method using which you can watch Youtube videos offline at your convenience.How To Download YouTube Videos

Latest: As the craze of the world’s second largest search engine and the largest video platform has increased, Google, parent organisation of this video sharing company has made is quite easier to download video officially. When in Android or iPhone (running on the iOS operating system), videos from Youtube can be downloaded via two simple manners i.e. Directly from Youtube App or Using any third party app like Snaptube, Tube Mate OR Youtube Video Downloader etc. Thus, first of all, open the Official Youtube App. Search your video and play the one. Just below the name of the video, you will find download sign by clicking on which, video can easily be downloaded.

How To Download YouTube Videos (2019): Android, iOS, Mac, Deleted, Private

Accessing and watching videos would buffer all its way in 2G network would ruin most of your valuable time while very few have access to the 3G network in our nation. Although never, here is a way to access the YouTube videos where a user can watch the YouTube videos without any more buffering and can save the videos to watch later. Doesn’t that sound fascinating and riveting? Yeah it is possible all you have to do is follow the trick cautiously. Are you aware of the fact that users can watch the videos of YouTube with the all-new updated version of the YouTube app and store the videos in their devices up to a maximum of 48 hours? This update would make every techy freaky and Internet savvy, who are annoyed with the low-speed of broadband and couldn’t access high-speed to feel excited. Thus there is no need to worry if you have low-speed of internet and have crossed the FUP limits of your broadband connections.

Save YouTube Videos Offline for Viewing Later

Watch YouTube without buffering and Save YouTube videos in your android device to view them later. What you need to do is to follow the below-cited steps which areas,

Step 1: Tap and open the YouTube application in your Android device.

Step 2: Browse the desired video you would like to watch and play the video.

Watch YouTube Videos Offline and View Them Later By Saving YouTube Videos

Step 3: Tap on to download icon to download the desired video and select the desired video quality.

Watch YouTube Videos Offline and View Them Later By Saving YouTube Videos

Step 4: Video gets downloaded into your Android device and watches it later when you have pleasurable leisure time.

Watch YouTube Videos Offline and View Them Later By Saving YouTube Videos

Note: Watch the video within 48 hours from the time of video downloaded as later the video would get deleted from your Android device as the audio which is downloaded would get stored under the offline category in the menu of the YouTube app.

Although it seems there certain limitations for few videos for which this trick may not work out while as far as we explored out with this trick we haven’t encountered any video for which this trick was not working. Thus, a user needs to download and install Indian version of YouTube application for their Android device as this is trick. Click below to download exclusive YouTube app.

Watch YouTube Videos Offline and View Them Later By Saving YouTube Videos. Download songs, mp3 tracks and videos from youtube

About the author 

Imran Uddin

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are becoming increasingly popular as a way to represent

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