September 19, 2015

Top 100+ Best Funny Things To Ask Cortana – The Microsoft Windows Version of SIRI

Almost everyone has heard about Cortana by now, but those who don’t know about it don’t have to worry. Cortana is a personal assistant created by Microsoft for devices which runs on Windows operating system and soon it is coming to iOS, Android, and the Xbox One. Microsoft has played beautifully with Cortana and has programmed plenty of funny responses into it. Do you really know what actually Cortana does on your Windows Operating system running devices? Well, if you wish to know about the funny personal assistant, then just have a look!

  • Also See: Funny Things To ask siri

Cortana allows you to interact and operate your device with voice commands. Like you can ask her to open a specific app or play music for you. There are many more uses of it. People who don’t like typing while browsing the internet can use this feature to access websites and browse the internet. It’s very similar to Siri that can be found on iOS devices and with Google Now App. But there come many times when you look for something in your system which can make you feel good and helps you in passing your time.

Top 100 Funniest things to ask Cortana

So, here in this post I am going to tell you about 100+ funniest Cortana commands and questions which you can ask her if you want to do something funny by sitting in front of your Windows system.Just to make this post more interesting, I am including some screenshots with some of Cortana’s answers. Do remember that Cortana is a feature of Windows, and not a human, so it may give different answers for a particular question each time you ask her.

Funny Things You Can Ask From Cortana

1. How old are you?
2. Are you human?
3. Where are you from?
4. Can you cook?
5. What are you?
6. What is the meaning of Cortana?
7. Do you have a sister?
8. Are you smart?
9. Where do you live?
10. Who made you?
11. Do you know Siri?
12. Do you know Google Now?
13. Will you marry me?

14. Can I borrow some money?
15. Who’s your boss?
16. What’s the best phone operating system?
17. Which is better Cortana or Siri?
18. What’s the best operating system?
19. What’s your favourite music?
20. What’s your favourite song?
21. What’s the best tablet / phone?
22. What’s the best computer?
23. What’s the best search engine?
24. Who is better, you or Siri?
25. What’s better, Google or Bing?
26. What do you think of Xbox?
27. Do you love Master Chief?
28. Are you sleeping?
29. What are you up to?
30. Do you know Clippy?
31. Do you like Satya Nadella?
32. Do you like Steve Ballmer?
33. Do you like Bill Gates?
34. Am I ugly?
35. Am I pretty?
36. Where can I hide a dead body?
37. What is your name from?
38. Can I change your name?
39. What are you?
40. How do you work?
41. What do you look like?
42. What are your measurements?
43. Why are you blue?
44. Are you real?
45. What are you wearing?
46. What do you look like?
47. Where do you live?
48. Who is your maker?
49. Who is your father?
50. When were you born?
51. When will you die?
52. Are you beautiful?
53. Are you happy?

Some More Funny Commands and Questions For Cortana

1. Do an impression
2. Do an impersonation
3. Sing me a song
4. Dance
5. Guess what!
6. Beam me up Scotty
7. Tell me a joke
8. Tell me a story.
9. Use the Force
10. You’re cool.
11. I’m drunk.
12. I’m bored.
13. I’m really drunk.
14. Knock, knock.
15. I’m confused.
16. You’re funny.
17. I love you
18. You are so intelligent.
19. Say something funny.
20. I’m stoned.
21. Thank you.
22. Open the pod bay doors.
23. What does the fox say?
24. I thought you were dead!
25. That was not the question.
26. Good Morning.
27. Good night.
28. Hello HAL.
29. Why did the chicken cross the road?
30. May the Force be with you?
31. You’re sexy.
32. You’re the best assistant ever.
33. What do you know about Guilty Spark
34. Which is your favourite Halo?
35. What is your favourite Halo?

36. What is favourite Halo game?
37. Which is your favourite Halo game?
38. Tell me about Halo?
39. Tell me about beamish
40. What do you know about Halo?
41. Tell me about Hamish beamish
42. Tell me about Hamish beamish
43. Why are you blue in colour?
44. Aren’t you dead?
45. Why are you blue?
46. Which Halo game do you like the most?
47. What do you know about beamish
48. What do you know about Hamish
49. What do you know about Hamish Beamish
50. What’s the weather like?
51. What’s on my schedule?
52. How long will it take me to get to [place]?
53. Show me directions to [place]
54. What time is it in California?
55. What is one US dollar in Japanese yen?
56. What’s the theme song to Firefly?
57. Who is the CEO of Microsoft?
58. What’s the population of the United States?
59. When is the next baseball game?
60. When do Battle and Brew close?
61. What is tonsillitis?
62. Did you die?
63. I thought you were dead?
64. Are you in Halo 5?

Fighting and Compliments For Cortana

1. You are the best assistant ever.
2. You are awesome.
3. You’re cool.
4. Thank you.
5. I’m happy.
6. I hate you.
7. You’re creepy.
8. You’re so annoying.
9. I’m drunk.
10. I’m bored.
11. Good night.
12. Why are we here?
13. Tell me a joke.

Literally there are thousands of interesting and funny responses Cortana could say if asked the right question. I have just tried to include those questions which I have asked from Cortana and found funny answers of them. So this was my take on funny things you can ask from Cortana. Though Cortana is an amazing feature which Microsoft have included. It helps a lot of users to operate their system without any hardware device.

I am using Windows 10 from past few weeks, and I am continuously testing this app, and, believe me, it’s quite impressive to see how it respond to user commands. If you are into it, then do let me know your views over it. Don’t forget to try these questions on your system, and if you know funny Cortana commands then let me know about it via comments below.

About the author 

Imran Uddin

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