December 26, 2018

How to Post Classified ads on Facebook

Facebook is one of the places where we meet acquaintances, interact, socialize and converge. There could be no better platform than Facebook for any form of advertisements. Although Facebook is not a market place for buying and selling things, but many people converge on this platform so for the marketers it is the perfect area for advertising their products. Web marketers prefer this platform for advertising as it is free of cost, and if someone is posting classified ads in Mumbai on Facebook he will be able to reach  millions of people in lesser time.

Facebook for Business Concerns

Your business is dependent a lot on the leads that are generated and Facebook can give you some of the best leads. Just imagine if all the fans following you will recommend you to their friends how many lives you will be able to touch. If your presence is strong, you will get word-of-mouth marketing for sure.
There are only four simple steps to know how to advertise on Facebook.

Step 1: Creating a Web Page

This is your first step for marketing where you create a profile for your product. Creating a page is free and extremely convenient with Facebook.
Follow this process:

  • Select the ideal category for your business concern and name the page according to the nature of your business.
  • Put a logo, your trademark by which people will know you, and a few lines to state your objective or nature of business.
  • Set a web address that is easy to remember because people will be using this for relating to you.
  • Select an attractive cover photo and put a relevant picture on your page, so that it gives a neat idea of your concern or business. This must create the first and lasting impression on the minds of our visitors.

Step 2: Get Connected

This is your next step in the promotion of your product. Create your banner and make people follow you. Target by demographics, interests, and locations and aim your ads.
Keep track of your progress with the Facebook account and earn more page likes. You can do the following to serve your interest-

  • Edit the content on your page, check insights, keep a watch on the latest activity, and answer back to clients from the admin panel.
  • For your Facebook ads get more apps that can be installed on various devices.

Step 3: Attract your Audience

Now it is time to hold on to your fans. Keep quality material posted so that your follower’s interests are never letting to flag off.
Followers can move off if they do not get their desired material so post quality material on the Facebook News Feed section. This way you will be at the center of activity on Facebook. You will touch more lives because statistics say that 40% of the Facebook time is spent on the News Feed. It is the best place for interaction and generating potential leads.

Successful posts have the following attributes-

  • It is short, to the point, precise and attracts the visual senses.
  • Posted at that time of the day when Facebook activity is the most.

Step 4: Get influence from Fans Friends

When people will see their friends liking your page and endorsing your business they will also be influenced.

  • You can also create events and put some exclusive offers to the people sharing your information with their friends.
  • For encouraging engagement,  you can also create pages asking questions about your product.

If you need any help regarding Facebook Advertising you can get back to us.

About the author 

Imran Uddin

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