There are many ways to make money online. One of the best and easiest ways to make money online is via Youtube. Youtube is not only the largest video sharing platform but if you use it wisely you can make some huge bucks with youtube. There are people who make a living with youtube by building great youtube channels with lots of subscribers. Here we thought of creating an Infographic with a list of all best possible ways to make money on Youtube.
How to Make Money Online with Youtube [InfoGraphic]
Almost all the Youtube Channels exists mainly for the purpose of making money, except very few like Sandeep Maheshwari (official Youtube channel) and Sandeep Maheshwari Spirituality. Making money from Youtube is quite simple. What most people prefer is Youtube Adsense Earning. Apart from that you can generate leads, become an affiliate or associate for Amazon or Flipkart or any other Online Retail Company. Like, if you’re making a video on Best Books of something, you can easily place your own Amazon Affiliate or Flipkart Affiliate links just download below in the description. Or you can sell your own physical products as well.
Below are the different possible ways listed on Infographic to make money off youtube:
- Becoming Youtube Partner
- Affiliate Marketing and CPA
- Selling your Own Products.
- Showing Intro Ads.
- Selling Videos to Clients.
- Reviews of Products
- Getting Donations.
- Selling Links in Description
To make money off youtube all you have to do is to create a high-quality video and monetize your youtube videos with various advertising networks. All you need is some high-quality traffic/views to your videos. You can drive traffic to your videos either via Social Media or SEO.