October 18, 2015

Matched Content by Google Adsense now Shows Promoted Ads – Add Additional Income with Adsense Contextual Ads

Its been quite some time Google has introduced Matched Content right after introducing Page Level Ads. These two types of ads were introduced keeping in mind the rise of contextual advertising networks like Taboola. Adsense also went a step ahead with Page Level ads which comprises of Sticky and Interstitial ads.

Most of my websites are approved for showing both Page Level and Matched content ads. However I paused using Page Level Ads which were giving low RPM and continued using Matched Content. One interesting thing I have noticed the past few days is though Google Adsense Matched content started by saying that it should only related posts on your own blog/website it slowly started experimenting showing different types of Ads along with Matched content on your site.

matched content by google adsense showing promoted content

Initially I noticed Google Adsense used to show an extra ad right below matched content on Mobile Devices. Though the fill rate was low, this was visible for only few mobile users as Adsense was doing a test.

The below are the screenshots of Matched Content Ads that I found on my blog:

Below you can see in the screenshots matched content showing PROMOTED BY

matched content by google adsense ads

google matched content showing contextual ads

And today I have noticed that Google Adsense went a step ahead and started showing related ads of other websites just like Taboola along with your existing related articles. As of now I am noticing these ads only on Mobile Devices, may be Google is still testing out and once their test is finished they will make a full roll out on all devices.

I also started noticing Matched Content showing up in Adsense Earnings as well.

matched content earning report on adsense

Thereby Google Adsense has created a new opportunity to make money from your blog with Contextual Advertising. So, if you are an approved publisher to display Matched content then implement it right away.

About the author 

Imran Uddin

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