The Internet has made life easier for us by turning virtually everything online. Online banking, online communication, online shopping, online admissions to universities, and even we can avail medical services online. However, it means almost every website would ask for a password. Now, as passwords make our information safe, it is important to ensure they don’t get cracked up easily; difficult enough to crack but easier to remember. What’s the use of a password that someone could crack easily, eh?
Here are the best password security tips from Mustard IT, the UK’s top IT support provider.
Small Passwords:
Length matters. Avoid using smaller passwords. Your password should never be smaller than eight figures. I bet you can write a lengthy eulogy on your favorite footballer. Given a chance, how can you not develop a password longer and stronger? The lengthier the password, the stronger it is.
Simple Passwords:
Avoid simplifying things. By using the simple words of a language, just like that, in a password, you actually simplify things for others to crack it. For instance, instead of writing ‘thisisnotfair’ why don’t you make it a little challenging by thinking of a line, a favorite quote of yours, or anything else like, ‘smiling does not necessarily mean you are happy and then making a password by picking the first letters, like “sdnnmyah.’ It is random yet easy to remember, as you only need to remember your favorite line, and it’s difficult to crack, I tell you. Not even a dictionary attack will be able to crack it that easily. So, the point is, do NOT use simple words and phrases; instead, play it with words and imagine yourself writing a mystery.
Passwords with Alphabets Only:
See your keyboard as a world of treasure; use it graciously. Why do you only use the alphabet? I’m sure you’re not allergic to digits or other special characters! Use them in your password to make it difficult to crack. Moreover, use upper and lower case letters. Didn’t you ever think about having a password like “sDnnMyAh”? If you add digits to it as well, which is highly suggested, look what it’s going to look like “sD2nn3My%Ah@” Random yet following a sequence, you can remember it, but it’s a very difficult one to crack. Now that’s all we ever want, don’t we?
One Password For a Long Time:
Stagnant waters tend to get fungus. Why don’t you apply this when it comes to changing passwords? Change your passwords; change them every now and then. Your financial passwords should be changed every 1-2 months, primarily because parting with your money fraudulently, in these crucial times, would be the last thing you’d want.
Disclosing it To Friends:
He might be your best buddy, but why are you disclosing your password, which is guarding your personal information to him? Why is he even interested? Avoid this! In case someone genuinely wants it, do not email him; instead, meet him personally and tell him then.
Not Using Multi-Factor Authentication
Taking into account the ever-increasing cases of hacking on the internet, a number of major websites and financial institutions have started using two-factor authentication, which adds another layer of protection to the information of an individual or a company. If you run a business and keep sensitive information in your online accounts, you must use multi-factor authentication, as most security analysts approve. If you do not have multi-factor authentication, all your accounts and data will be compromised if a hacker passes the first layer of protection, be it a conventional password or a smart card.
Not Using Password Manager
Individuals and organizations neglect the importance of using password managers to enhance the level of their data security. While it is almost impossible to ensure that all of your employees will create and maintain strong passwords, a high-quality password manager can do the job for you both at the organizational and individual levels.
Using Weak Secret Questions
One of the most common methods of going past an email account is to answer secret questions. You ask for trouble if you set extremely easy and convenient secret questions. Make sure you set secret questions that even your close friends and family cannot answer.
Not Using Secure Server
Almost all online security experts recommend that ‘HTTPS’ should be preferred over ‘HTTP’ as the ‘s’ can immensely enhance the security of your information. If you are using an unsecured server, do not enter any kind of sensitive information, such as your passwords, credit card numbers, or other important details.
Last but not least, clear the saved cookies before you shut things down every day. If you find it challenging to remember many passwords, you can make it easy by using a good password manager.