Everyone’s favorite free movie streaming website- Putlocker.is is dead. Putlocker provided high-quality content along with security from malware attacks. The search was easy and every new movie/TV show was available. But now it’s whole existence from the internet is dusted.
However, the dream of watching free movies on the internet lives on with hundreds of alternative websites. But then again most of these websites shows concern about security and the unending popups and ads destroy the overall movie experience.
To put your spirits up, here I have mentioned the top 3 alternative websites to Putlocker, which have been tried and tested for the best online streaming experience.
Top 3 Putlocker Alternative Websites
1. SolarMovie
Double hands down, the top spot for the best alternative to Putlocker is SolarMovie. Just like Putlocker, this website provides high-quality movies and TV shows for free. With anti-piracy institutes on the hunt to takedown streaming websites, at the moment the website is being operated from Solarmovie.ru
2. Fmovies
Fmovies is a safe haven for movies and TV shows across all genres. Even Hollywood movies from past 50 years are available here. Sit back and watch your favourite movies without any subscription or annoying sign-up.
3. 123Movies
From Oscar-winning movies to Emmy award-winning TV shows, 123Movies has it all for free.
All the above mentioned are up and running at the moment. Free streaming websites are subject to piracy issues. So there is always a chance that these websites may change their domains from time to time.