Technological advancement and innovations are far the greatest feats of human civilization. It is almost impossible to imagine modern-day lives without tech as part of the picture. Our lives currently revolve around the digital age: the Internet, our smart gadgets, and the vast interconnectedness.
Tech has undoubtedly permeated into the core of how we go about our lives. The mere fact that you are reading this electronically, perhaps at the comfort of a hand-held device, is enough proof. These advancements have been rapid and disruptive. Consequently, we have witnessed seismic shifts in all sectors that have integrated tech into their models of operation.
Not all sectors were quick to adopt the technology. However, survival has always been for the most adaptable. Any industry looking progression in the future has to embrace the global shift that is taking us by storm.
Education, as an industry, has been among the sectors that have remained traditional in nature. Since the conceptualization of what is considered modern education, changes have only been few and far apart. As a matter of fact, some of these changes have been gratuitous at best. However, there has been an ongoing debate of the tremendous changes that education, including the process, desperately needs.
Schooling, as far as any of us can tell, has always been a linear path, not to mention quite rigid. Methods of teaching rarely vary. Students have been continually subjected to a one-size-fits-all approach as the default. Educationalists, as well as pertinent stakeholders, have been looking to reshape how knowledge is imparted to the young generation.
We plausibly are at the transition to the fourth industrial revolution. Change subsequently drives change. In so much as our digital footprint is finally making its way to the classrooms. As we looked back and accepted our shortcomings, there is finally an opportunity to make amends and do better.
This article seeks to highlight a few of the startups with a clear objective of tech intervention to shape the current and subsequent generations of learners.
Immersive Learning
Immersive learning is all about class engagement. Our outmoded educational process is immensely passive. An instructor steps in front of a classroom heads to the chalkboard and goes on to talk on end. Perhaps until the strike of a bell, which is an indicator for another yet passive instructor about to come in. The main contention has always been the learners’ constraint as they are ever merely expected to absorb content continually.
This new approach looks to engage learners in the process proactively. Learning is no longer going to be one-way traffic. Some of the disruptive technologies that are about to turn tides include, but not limited to.
- Internet of Things
- Artificial Intelligence
- Robotics
- Neuro-linguistics programming
Tech companies focusing on education, such as Early Adopter, are looking to integrate augmented reality into the classrooms. For instance, if students are learning about the solar system, they can take a virtual journey to the surface of a planet or satellite, as they simultaneously learn through print in class.
Immersive learning, hence, accommodates different styles of learning that include all students. It is similar to how an essay help service considers the specific requirements of the student. The learning experience, furthermore, becomes lively and fun!
Seamless Classrooms
In as much as we are looking ahead, some problems are still plaguing education. One of the more significant ones is the unavailability and inaccessibility of resources. Most instructors cannot guarantee that all their students achieve optimal comprehension. The willingness may be there, but capability might be a different ball game altogether.
Seamless classrooms are looking to bridge this gap. Companies such as are looking to connect learners globally with the objective of collaborative learning dynamics. The main aim is to make learning adaptable to topics and trends that are happening all around the world. Where they are facilitating both the availability and access to credible information. As a result, creating a level platform that enhances the learning experience.
Sustainability and Life Skills
Modern education is looking to make more than an academic impact on learners. It follows then that institutions are looking to collaborate with the relevant players to give learners holistic skillsets. The fact remains that education and schooling, by extension, ought to prepare you for the real world adequately.
Tech companies, such as Mind Valley, are looking to impart meaningful life skills to the learners through their online platforms. The topics range from effective communication to realizing our sustainability goals in the near future. To put it concisely, they are looking to educate individuals who will have a positive and significant impact on society.
There is immense potential to be realized as we look to make our selves and lives better. If anything, it is perhaps what may have set us apart from the rest of the crop. Only time will tell whether we are the smartest in class or in a class of our own. Whatever the case may be, education is about to meaningfully and exponentially change the future.