September 12, 2018

Terrarium TV was shutdown. Saying good bye to most beloved Movie App

Terrarium TV has announced in the new update that they are shutting down the project. Mr. NitroXenon has written a goodbye letter like they are in a movie starring Robin Williams. Very dramatic and heart-touching. Terrarium TV is shut down and so the app won’t be working anymore.

A screenshot of Terrarium TV shutdown. Text is written below.
A screenshot of Terrarium TV shutdown.

The goodbye letter from Terrarium TV

Dear all,

It has always been a great pleasure to work on this project. However, it is time to say goodbye. I am going to shut Down Terrarium TV, forever.

I know this day will come eventually. I know it would be hard to let go. But it is really time for me to move on to other projects.

Thank you for all your support through the years. Thanks to all Terrarium TV supporters and communities. Thank you, nic, and all the people around the world who care about this project.

Please note that you will not be able to open the Terrarium TV app after the end of september as the app will close itself automatically. Please DO NOT try to click the update button because it will not download any new version of the app.

Thank you and farewell.

Best regards,

Terrarium TV
Sep 11,2018

Mr NitroXenon said that they are shutting down Terrarum TV forever. So this shut down is permanent. He said that even though he got immense pleasure from working on this project, that it is time to shut it down.

He also warned us not to update the app since the updates are shut down, if it updates then it could virus or hackers. He warned everyone to be cautious.

The goodbye comes as a surprise to many. I, for one, will definitely miss the terrarium TV app. Because, the first tech tutorial I ever wrote was about Terrarium TV. Farewell, Old friend.


17 best alternatives to Terrarium TV app 


About the author 


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