Charitable or profitable, the primary goal of every organization is to extend its reach. Engaging with the target audience and communicating with them effectively is the key here. Sure, you would be more focused on gaining recognition for you want the charity to be popular worldwide. Unfortunately, philanthropy works well when the coffers are full. You need to get adequate funding to drive the goals and fulfill the objective while extending the reach. Yes! You can always hold conferences and set up events, but digital marketing can help you to create inroads like nothing else.
Why don’t you try harnessing the power of social media? Check with fellow members of the charity, and you will be surprised to find the entire world even exists online while maintaining a physical existence. You would do well to target the members on each medium individually and make a clear effort to introduce your brand and help it grow without restraint.
Social Media to Complement Your Brand
No! This is certainly not a farfetched idea. The latest statistics will substantiate the theory. The investors on social media do not shy away from making donations for a cause. You will also find the top non-profitable organizations such as PETA and UNICEF and WE Charity have a firm footing on various social media platforms. You can do it and reap the benefits in one go. You do not have to ask for donations all the time either. Just set up a business account and spread awareness about your charity. The users will take over the responsibility of generating funds on your behalf. Having a well-planned social media strategy can be a double bonanza for you. Your charity becomes popular while the money flows in at the same time. A win-win indeed! Plus, you can go ahead with it without busting the limited budget that you may have.
Tips to Form an Effective Social Media Strategy
Primary Goals– Discuss the strategy with your team. You may have to handpick the right professional to drive social media success. Sure, there is already a policy of the charity that you are familiar with, but now, you must have a concrete plan to follow. You cannot compromise on the values that are inherent to the charitable organization. However, you may try to do the following to enhance the brand value: –
- Look to increase donations.
- Invite more viewers to join and recruit young people as volunteers.
- Welcome the dedicated followers into the community and ask them to spread the word about the charity too.
- Try to develop the brand painstakingly and share stories about the challenges and successes achieved via social media posts.
You cannot do the entire above half-heartedly. Share the responsibility instead and track the results as perfectly as possible. You may use the analytics tool or count the number of comments received each day. Using a hashtag will help you to find the amount of appreciation for your cause.
Connect with the Right Audience
Do not pat yourself with glee when you garner a thousand supporters on social media. They may not even be the right sort of audience that you had been hoping for. It would certainly not serve your purpose to communicate with multiple individuals from various walks of life. Instead, try to streamline your approach and identify your niche.
Check externally and send friend requests to people that you know to be true believers. You may also shoot emails to the followers of your social media sites asking them why they believe in the cause. You may want to be on multiple platforms simultaneously to broaden the horizon.
Create a Comprehensive Plan
Check out the fan following across the media and identify the most active groups. Reinforce your presence on a minimum of 2-4 social media and focus on them to boost your goals. Direct your efforts with total dedication and find how the response has been going.
You would want to share the stories about the charity, spreading awareness at every point. People who make the connection will help with your fundraising efforts without being told to do so. It is time to think about the next step once you recognize the target audience and have succeeded in educating them about your mission. Use the social media group for:
- Advertising upcoming events.
- Share stories and invite opinions.
- Post content highlighting the successes.
- Create an engaging “how-to” video or graphic and post it on social media to display how the supporters can be of assistance.
Your organization may be working for a humanitarian cause and does not desire profits. Yet you have to be organized and dedicated enough to make social media work for you. You do not have to think about the associated expenses for having a presence on social media to spread awareness, and the collecting of donations is a cost-effective exercise. You may be bogged down with responsibilities as most charities lack enough workers.
Try to streamline the process of using social media to the fullest by streamlining the process. Turn your humble office into a hub of digital activity and post content on multiple platforms simultaneously.
Remember that social media is not meant for entertainment solely. Instead, you can add value to your brand by utilizing it to expand your reach, earn loyal supporters and boost donations.