July 29, 2017

The Latest Firefox Builds Opens More Than 1500 Tabs In Just 15 Seconds

If you are the one who works on multiple tabs simultaneously, then the latest Firefox builds might be the browser for you. As per a test carried out by Mozilla’s Developer Dietrich Ayala, Firefox latest editions, like Version 55 and 56 can process multiple tabs of as many as 1691.

Firefox 55 and 56 Opens More Than 1500 Tabs In Just 15 Seconds (2)

Dietrich Ayala took a profile where he had 1,691 tabs opened on his MacBook for the testing, to analyze the speed and memory of different Firefox versions starting 20, 30, 40, and 50 through 56. In the testing, while it took 8 minutes to open the tabs in Firefox 51, it took just 15 seconds to open all those tabs in version 55.

Firefox 55 and 56 Opens More Than 1500 Tabs In Just 15 Seconds (1)

Multiple tabs running in our browser means a lot of memory will be consumed. But, the newer versions even showed an impressive change in memory usage. As noted, memory usage plunged from 2 gigabytes to half a gigabyte. Again, this is without all 1691 tabs being loaded. The tabs are simply open with the network off.

firefox memory usage

Ayala included these speed and memory usage improvement in ‘Quantum Flow,’ a Mozilla engineering project to fine-tune and tweak the browser’s overall performance.

Though nobody will ever need to open that many tabs, Firefox just assures its users that they won’t find trouble working with the multiple tabs if needed.

Firefox 55 is due for release at the start of August.

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