It has been 3 years since Apple updated the Mac mini hardware. Apple has launched many other products such as AirPods, Apple Watch, and the Retina MacBook since then, leaving many of the Mac mini fans wondering whether they get to see any updates in the device.
Reacting to the lack of attention given to the Mac mini, one of its users has emailed the Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, asking whether the users will get to see any updates in Mac mini. Responding to the email, Tim Cook has confirmed that Mac mini is an important part of the company’s product lineup in the future.
A person named Krar e-mailed Cook saying: “I love Mac mini but it’s been over 3 years now without an update. Are we are going to see anything in the pipeline anytime soon?”
Cook responded to the email saying: “I’m glad you love the Mac mini. We love it too. Our customers have found so many creative and interesting uses for the Mac mini. While it is no a time to share any details, we do plan for Mac mini to be an important part of our product line going forward.”
Cook’s response to the question is almost similar to the statement made by Apple marketing chief Phil Schiller, who commented that, “The Mac mini is an important product in our lineup and we weren’t bringing it up because it’s more of a mix of consumer with some pro use,” when the company’s plans for a new Mac Pro were unveiled.
Although Cook responded on how important the Mac mini is to the company, he didn’t mention any details, not even a clue about the updates or the time frame for the updates.
The entry-level Mac mini is currently outdated and still runs on Haswell processors and Intel HD 5000 integrated graphics with 4GB of RAM. Although the Mac mini is affordable to users at a price of $499, there are a lot other compact desktops that offer many other specs for the same price.
While it is still unclear about the changes and updates of the Mac mini, it is likely that the users won’t see any changes in 2017. It may be possible that users can get to see any updates in Mac mini in the next year 2018(at least we hope so). Until then it is clear that Apple won’t change the way it sells the device i.e, the consumers will still get only the “bring your own peripherals box” without any included monitor, keyboard, and other peripherals.
Are you waiting for any updates in the Apple’s Mac mini? Share your views in the comments below!