How Is Guest Posting Beneficial For Your Blog
Guest posting is an inbound marketing strategy which works wonders for bloggers. Simply stated, guest posting means when bloggers decide to create content and post it on some other blog and not their own in return of adding a link to their blog in their description box. Ideally, the hosting website/blog should have a higher search engine ranking, a huge amount of active followers, and must have already established its credibility in the field. Following are a few ways in which bloggers benefit from guest posting on hosting websites.
1. Getting Your Name Out There
When bloggers guest post on a hosting website, the first benefit they gain is notability. Otherwise unknown to many readers out there, when you write a concrete article which contains useful information for the readers and guest post it on a website which has its worth established in the eyes of its audience, the first thing that will happen is people will notice your name.
They might want to find out more about the author who wrote such an impressive piece of content. They might read your author’s description and might as well click on the link to your blog you have given in author’s profile. Thus readers will then get acquainted with your blog and might engage with your posts as well.
2. Establishing Your Authority & Credibility:
The second way in which guest posting benefits your blog is building your reputation and trust of your audience. When a reputable hosting website decides to publish your article, its audience will consider you a Credible writer. Someone whose work is worth giving a read and delivers value. In this way, your worth is established in the eyes of readers, and you gain their trust.
When you guest post multiple articles in your niche on various guest-hosting platforms, you end up gaining command over your niche too. Since you have been guest posting for long enough and on different platforms within your niche, the webmasters know you, a lot of readers know you and your work never fails to deliver its value. You work hard and put heart and soul into your work, research well, and write well. All of these things add up and make you one of the gurus in your field, thus establishing your authority in your field.
Now think about the backlink you add to your blog in your guest articles. Many readers who would like your article would want to visit your blog, and once your authority and credibility are established, they might as well start following your blog religiously for any updates and engage with posts and share them too.
3. Increased Traffic To Your Blog
This is a by-product of the first two benefits. Naturally, when readers like your article and decide to visit your blog, you are generating web traffic which means more people are paying visits, clicking on your blog links and engaging with posts on your blog. The more the traffic increases and people like your work and decide to follow, like share, subscribe, comment on or start discussions on your blog posts, the more your audience you draw to your blog organically.
4. Increased Audience/Subscribers/Followers
The more the traffic increases, so does the readership. Your audience grows. The more people read your blog posts, click on them like and share them, the more readers your blog attracts without having to pay for promoting your content or through any other spamming schemes.
5. Search Engine Ranking
As your blog grows because people genuinely like the content you create, your blog’s search engine ranking starts to improve. This means that if at first when typed your blog’s name, it appeared on the fifth page of Google now it will come up maybe on the second page.
6. Creates Your Impact On Readers’ Lives
As you grow your blog through guest posting and increase your followers, you will learn that the ‘value’ they look for in your content is the ‘impact’ you have on their life. For example, if you are a blogger whose niche is mental health. You are not only educating your audience about the issues but unknowingly also helping them to resolve them in some way. This is why they keep coming back to your blog. To relate to someone and find a solution to their problems. Thus guest posting on hosting websites about mental health issues and then linking back it to your blog will help in not only growing your readership but also building your influence on your readers’ lives.
7. Helps You Write Better
Guest posting allows you to receive feedback from readers on the hosting website. Their feedback can help you grow and evolve as a writer and improve your writing skills. This, in turn, helps you create better posts on your blog. As the quality of your blog posts become better, the quantity of your readership grows too.
8. Expands Your Horizon
Guest posting gives you exposure to a lot of different platforms and their writing techniques. It helps create awareness in you about how to brand yourself as a writer, understand your audience, and promote your blog efficiently.
9. Grow Personal & Professional Network
When you decide to guest post on a website, you end up gaining followers. These followers could convert into real-life friends or maybe potential employers. These relationship-building and networking exercises would give your blog posts a boost in post engagements.
Potential employers and your followers turned-into-support group and friends would like to keep an eye for your next post. As soon as you post it, they might want to read it, give it a thumbs up and share it, etc. Thus growing your blog’s reach and improving its online ranking.
11. Generates Sales Leads
In case you own a brand and promote it through your blog. Guest posting done effectively can convert your potential leads into customers. You can then post their happy feedback on your social media with a link to your blog and keep creating awareness about your products/services. This does not only grow your blog but creates happy customers in real life.
With numerous benefits, guest posting is a great way to add value to your blog and establish standing in the market. There is a lot to gain and nothing to lose, so why not give it a shot?
Growing Your Audience With Guest Posting
Guest posting is a very efficient way of promoting your blog and growing your audience. Here are a few steps to help you understand how can you effectively increase your blog traffic and reach more audience through guest posting.
1. Know Your Niche
Know that online content creation and creative writing can vary from real estate websites to recipe guides. What you need to recognize is where does your strength lie? What is your area of expertise? What is it that you passionately want to write about? From Football matches to Mental Health issues, there are a variety of topics available out there. Pick the one which best suits your skills, something you can write about a lot and never run out of words. Your niche could vary from Home & Lifestyle to Health & Beauty, Marriage & Relationships to Cars & Automobiles, Politics to Do It Yourself (DIY) Crafts, etc. It could be any field you deem you are good at creating content about.
2. Study Other Guest Posters in Your Niche
This is very important. If you want to put yourself out there, competing for a spot with a lot of other content writers on top-notch hosting websites and blogs, you will have to educate yourself with the works of best guest posting gurus of your niche so that you may know what kind of content is being approved and appreciated the most by guest-hosting platforms and their readers.
3. Search for and Study Hosting Websites/Blogs in Your Niche
To be able to guest write for a hosting platform, you must study it’s format and guest post submission guidelines. Other than that, read the articles by other guest posters and critically analyze the ones with most engagements. Also, evaluate the type of audience they have so that you could write posts accordingly.
4. Think Long Term
When you select a topic that you want to contribute to your hosting platform, remember that you want to create content which does not only gets approved by the hosting domains but also lives on for a while and generates blog traffic for your blog. This means that you need to create a series of articles which consist of useful knowledge for the readers, written on a relatively less discussed or newer topics in a captivating way, and are posted consistently on your guest posting website for a longer period.
5. Modify Your Article for SEO
Your work will make way for your credibility in the industry, so conduct thorough research to find out the most popular words people use to search for articles in your niche. So that when you write your article, you could strategically use them in the body. This will help in improved ranking for your article among the many others on Google and people will be able to find it easily.
6. Connect with Gurus
You should also try and reach out to gurus of your guest posting niche. For example, if you are writing content marketing articles, you could tag Neil Patel in it somewhere strategically so that they may also notice your work. Once your article gets a like or retweet by an industry leader, it helps draw more audience to your content since now they know that you are a credible writer validated by the experts themselves. Imagine yourself getting a like on Linked In from top investment managers for the insightful content you wrote on Linked In’s article posting platform.
Another example would be a restaurant and food reviews field. If you are a food blogger and write food reviews, you could tag Yelp, Zomato, or any other food review providing local websites which are a trustworthy name for their followers. This might help you get noticed by their webmasters, and if they choose to interact with any of your post on any online platform, be it on the article itself or social media, etc., you could gain many followers.
Reaching out to gurus and industry leaders also pave the way for you to secure work and even feature your best articles on their blog.
7. Add Relevant Images/Links
Stay relevant to your audience and your niche, avoid basic grammar and spelling mistakes, and add relevant images and links to capture their attention as well. The links you add may consist of a backlink to your posts as well depending upon the posting guidelines of your hosting domain. The text that you decide to link your post is called anchor text. To keep it simple you add the link to your profile which would be in the form of and then you provide with the text that it gets highlighted with, which could be ‘Your Name/ Your Posts Name’ etc. so that when the reader clicks on it, it redirects them to another page.
8. Offer a Value Delivering Bargain
To grow your readership, it would be good if you offer a free giveaway to your readers once they have landed on your blog post. Such as an e-book. Many content writers ask you to subscribe to their mailing list and win a free 5-day online course, or download a free e-book, or get access to some secret recipe for success, etc. Though they promise they will not spam your inbox, they do send some really interesting and insightful emails which help you improve your online content strategies.
Try incorporating this strategy into your guest post as well. Link your profile or posts in the author’s bio section and once a reader lands on your blog, offer them to download an e-book, etc. It will surely build up a readership of your blog.
9. Add Value to Your Host’s Website/Blog
Keep in mind that the only reason any hosting platform will entertain your work is that it should help their website/blog grow as well. So you might want to write on a topic that does more than just resonating with your blog’s niche and your hosting platform’s industry. It must add value to their website and bring in fresher perspective for their readers. Remember, when you are writing an article for guest post submission, the article must reflect the tone and format of the hosting platform. This will help you build good connections with your host as well.
10. Pay Attention to Your Author Description
When writing your author description, use that space wisely and provide a backlink to your blog. The backlink must redirect readers to one of your best blog posts, which catches their eye and engages them for a while on your blog. Do not redirect the audience to a general home page or to any other unrelated post which they might not find useful and loose interest soon after landing on your blog.
11. Call to Action
Include some lines in your guest post, which call your readers for action. Add a few sentences which ask them to like, share, or comment on your article if they found it useful. Also, ask them to share their views on the topic in the comments section. You can even add a tag line asking readers to follow you on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. if that is allowed.
12. Engage with the Readers
Once your post is up, and readers take out time to read and comment on your post, do not just ignore this golden opportunity of bonding with them. When a comment appears, reply to it. If it is a negative comment, try to handle it with a positive attitude and true information. This will help in building long term relationship with the commentator and other readers who go through the thread of comments.
13. Update Your Blog
Keep working on your blog too simultaneously. So that when the readers are redirected to your blog through a link, they can see your work. In the beginning, you can start by writing smaller pieces of content and then gradually build your word count. Keep posting quality content consistently on your blog and guest posting platforms. Link your blog to your social media and use all these platforms to promote your work.
Guest Posting – A Beginner’s Guide
What is Guest Posting?
Guest posting, as the term suggests, is when others allow you to post your articles on their websites/blogs as a guest and vice versa. The websites and blogs which allow you as ‘the guest’ to contribute to their platforms are termed as ‘hosts’. This online share of content creating space has benefits for both parties. The hosting webmasters and bloggers get good quality content which adds to their website’s ranking and in return they allow guest posters to add a link to their personal blog/website. In this way, both the hosting platforms and the guest posters can grow their web presence, increase audience, and build a relationship with each other.
Benefits of Guest Posting
Guest posting has been a very successful strategy, especially for new and aspiring bloggers. It consists of a lot of benefits for them such as expanding their horizon and gaining work experience, access to new readership, increased blog traffic, promotion and recognition of their work, establishment of their authority in their area of expertise/niche, getting their name out there and finally growing their audience on web and social media. In some cases, guest posters even get paid by the hosting platforms for the original content they create.
Guest posting technique is also used by businesses and brands to target their potential customers and create awareness about their products/services through creative content creation and value deliverance. This helps them in increasing their products/services market reach, discovering new markets and opportunities, call people to action and convert potential leads to sales.
From a beginner’s point of view, guest posting might seem like a very tedious and difficult task. However, if you have good command over your writing skills and can create quality content for readers, it might not be such a difficult task for you. To begin with, the following are the steps listed below and explained one-by-one thoroughly for beginners so that they may know how to start guest posting.
Set Your Goal
The most important step is goal setting, you should be very clear about what you want to gain out of your guest posting exercise. It could be gaining more social media followers, reaching out to potential customers and creating awareness about your business/brand, promoting your newly created personal blog and improving its traffic, acknowledgment of your content creation ability by webmasters which may lead you to earn money or simply growing the audience of your blog. Decide what you want to gain out of making these efforts and once you are clear on your goal, you will be able to make the right strategies to achieve the desired outcome.
Search for Guest Posting Websites/Blogs
To achieve your goal of growing your blog audience through guest posting, the next step is to search for blogs and websites which allow guest posting. There are different ways to carry out this task. Either you could search for these websites using your search engine by simply using the keywords related to your industry or you could search for other prominent guest bloggers in your niche and read their posts.
In this way, not only you will be able to filter out websites based on YOUR niche/industry and eliminate the unrelated ones, but also you will learn more about how leading guest posters in your niche are writing effectively. Additionally, you will find out about the blogging platforms they use to guest post their content on.
Conditions That Guest Posting Websites Should Meet
While you are searching for guest posting websites remember that there are two conditions they must meet. Otherwise, your guest posting efforts to grow your blog might go futile. These conditions are: Hosting websites/blogs MUST have a sizable amount of established and actively participating readership. By actively participating it is implied that the readers do not just read the content but have made comments, liked and shared the websites’ content too. A few examples of websites which allow guest posting and meet both the requirements include Entrepreneur, Inc., Hubspot, Forbes, HuffingtonPost, etc.
Next, get yourself acquainted with the audience and the blog. Once you have sorted out the hosting blogs and websites which publish content related to your field, you must read articles on the blog and keep an eye for the most-read articles. Go through them thoroughly and try to gain an understanding of the type of content which gets the most engagement and promotion by the audience.
Understand the Pattern of Content and Target Audience
Look for articles with most shares and gauge the pattern in which they were written. Try to decipher the reason what made readers engage with that article. Whether it was a descriptive, long-form article or a concise, step-by-step, facts loaded, supported, and backed by figures kind of post. While you are at it, learn about the audience too. Make an effort to gain insights about the type of audience who reads the articles published on these hosting platforms.
For example, if your niche is Makeup tutorials, your hosting website, for example, Huda Beauty’s audience may include general consumers. However, if your niche is Information Technology and lets us assume that your hosting website is the Tech Republic, then its readers may include both the general consumers and business organizations searching for IT management solutions online. This means that the content you aim to create and the value you aim to deliver to your readers through your words will differ accordingly.
Since the main aim of this guest posting exercise is to GROW your readership and earn a name for your blog, therefore, it will be a smart move to understand the readers on the hosting platforms before you start guest posting on them. In this way, you will be able to relate to them and their needs more accurately.
Create Good Quality Content
After all the above steps come the last one, which is writing a good quality article which you intend to submit for guest posting purposes. Research well on the topic you want to write on but try to choose a topic that has not yet been written about on the hosting platform.
Moreover, keep your post relatable to the audience. Understand that guest posting is less about you promoting your brand and more about delivering value to the readers. The audience can find a link to your blog, business website, or social media presence in ‘about the author’ section. The whole idea of guest posting is to increase your readership with original and good quality content creation and no self-promotion and spam loaded backlinking.
Your article should consist of information which readers find useful with no fluff and forceful word insertions just to fill up space. Try to mention your information sources at the end of your article and format it according to your host’s requirements. Do not forget to double-check your article for any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and match it up against any guest post submission guidelines if your hosting website has any.
Prepare a Persuasive Email
After you have finished your article and checked it properly, now comes the time to write an effective and persuasive email to the relevant authority and convince them that publishing your article on their blog/website will yield fruits for them too. This email will consist of links to your blog/website as well. When the hosting blogger/webmasters will read your article, they would want to have a look at your profile/blog/social media account and therefore, will land on your impressive work.
Remember, you should have some good quality articles already on your blog. This might prove helpful in convincing them that adding you to their guest posters’ list holds value for them too and that they should approve your article. Once you have submitted your article, now wait for the approval. After your article gets approved, share it on your blog and through other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Also, keep engaging with comments which the readers leave on your article. This communication will build your relationship with the readers and aid you in achieving your guest posting goals.
However, if If it doesn’t do not lose heart or hope to keep trying. Remember, guest posting consistently will generate far-reaching effects rather than creating a one-off post once in a while and thinking about gaining success overnight.
Guest posting with all its benefits has been a very successful marketing strategy for blog owners and freelancers to establish their command over topics related to their niche.
What is Guest Posting?
Guest posting, as the term suggests, is when others allow you to post your articles on their websites/blogs as a guest and vice versa. The websites and blogs which allow you as ‘the guest’ to contribute to their platforms are termed as ‘hosts’. This online share of content creating space has benefits for both parties. The hosting webmasters and bloggers get good quality content which adds to their website’s ranking and in return they allow guest posters to add a link to their personal blog/website. In this way, both the hosting platforms and the guest posters can grow their web presence, increase audience, and build a relationship with each other.
Benefits of Guest Posting
Guest posting has been a very successful strategy, especially for new and aspiring bloggers. It consists of a lot of benefits for them such as expanding their horizon and gaining work experience, access to new readership, increased blog traffic, promotion and recognition of their work, establishment of their authority in their area of expertise/niche, getting their name out there and finally growing their audience on web and social media. In some cases, guest posters even get paid by the hosting platforms for the original content they create.
Guest posting technique is also used by businesses and brands to target their potential customers and create awareness about their products/services through creative content creation and value deliverance. This helps them in increasing their products/services market reach, discovering new markets and opportunities, call people to action and convert potential leads to sales.
From a beginner’s point of view, guest posting might seem like a very tedious and difficult task. However, if you have good command over your writing skills and can create quality content for readers, it might not be such a difficult task for you. To begin with, the following are the steps listed below and explained one-by-one thoroughly for beginners so that they may know how to start guest posting.
Set Your Goal
The most important step is goal setting, you should be very clear about what you want to gain out of your guest posting exercise. It could be gaining more social media followers, reaching out to potential customers and creating awareness about your business/brand, promoting your newly created personal blog and improving its traffic, acknowledgment of your content creation ability by webmasters which may lead you to earn money or simply growing the audience of your blog. Decide what you want to gain out of making these efforts and once you are clear on your goal, you will be able to make the right strategies to achieve the desired outcome.
Search for Guest Posting Websites/Blogs
To achieve your goal of growing your blog audience through guest posting, the next step is to search for blogs and websites which allow guest posting. There are different ways to carry out this task. Either you could search for these websites using your search engine by simply using the keywords related to your industry or you could search for other prominent guest bloggers in your niche and read their posts.
In this way, not only you will be able to filter out websites based on YOUR niche/industry and eliminate the unrelated ones, but also you will learn more about how leading guest posters in your niche are writing effectively. Additionally, you will find out about the blogging platforms they use to guest post their content on.
Conditions That Guest Posting Websites Should Meet
While you are searching for guest posting websites remember that there are two conditions they must meet. Otherwise, your guest posting efforts to grow your blog might go futile. These conditions are: Hosting websites/blogs MUST have a sizable amount of established and actively participating readership. By actively participating it is implied that the readers do not just read the content but have made comments, liked and shared the websites’ content too. A few examples of websites which allow guest posting and meet both the requirements include Entrepreneur, Inc., Hubspot, Forbes, HuffingtonPost, etc.
Next, get yourself acquainted with the audience and the blog. Once you have sorted out the hosting blogs and websites which publish content related to your field, you must read articles on the blog and keep an eye for the most-read articles. Go through them thoroughly and try to gain an understanding of the type of content which gets the most engagement and promotion by the audience.
Understand the Pattern of Content and Target Audience
Look for articles with most shares and gauge the pattern in which they were written. Try to decipher the reason what made readers engage with that article. Whether it was a descriptive, long-form article or a concise, step-by-step, facts loaded, supported, and backed by figures kind of post. While you are at it, learn about the audience too. Make an effort to gain insights about the type of audience who reads the articles published on these hosting platforms.
For example, if your niche is Makeup tutorials, your hosting website, for example, Huda Beauty’s audience may include general consumers. However, if your niche is Information Technology and lets us assume that your hosting website is the Tech Republic, then its readers may include both the general consumers and business organizations searching for IT management solutions online. This means that the content you aim to create and the value you aim to deliver to your readers through your words will differ accordingly.
Since the main aim of this guest posting exercise is to GROW your readership and earn a name for your blog, therefore, it will be a smart move to understand the readers on the hosting platforms before you start guest posting on them. In this way, you will be able to relate to them and their needs more accurately.
Create Good Quality Content
After all the above steps come the last one, which is writing a good quality article which you intend to submit for guest posting purposes. Research well on the topic you want to write on but try to choose a topic that has not yet been written about on the hosting platform.
Moreover, keep your post relatable to the audience. Understand that guest posting is less about you promoting your brand and more about delivering value to the readers. The audience can find a link to your blog, business website, or social media presence in ‘about the author’ section. The whole idea of guest posting is to increase your readership with original and good quality content creation and no self-promotion and spam loaded backlinking.
Your article should consist of information which readers find useful with no fluff and forceful word insertions just to fill up space. Try to mention your information sources at the end of your article and format it according to your host’s requirements. Do not forget to double-check your article for any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and match it up against any guest post submission guidelines if your hosting website has any.
Prepare a Persuasive Email
After you have finished your article and checked it properly, now comes the time to write an effective and persuasive email to the relevant authority and convince them that publishing your article on their blog/website will yield fruits for them too. This email will consist of links to your blog/website as well. When the hosting blogger/webmasters will read your article, they would want to have a look at your profile/blog/social media account and therefore, will land on your impressive work.
Remember, you should have some good quality articles already on your blog. This might prove helpful in convincing them that adding you to their guest posters’ list holds value for them too and that they should approve your article. Once you have submitted your article, now wait for the approval. After your article gets approved, share it on your blog and through other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Also, keep engaging with comments which the readers leave on your article. This communication will build your relationship with the readers and aid you in achieving your guest posting goals.
However, if If it doesn’t do not lose heart or hope to keep trying. Remember, guest posting consistently will generate far-reaching effects rather than creating a one-off post once in a while and thinking about gaining success overnight.
Guest posting with all its benefits has been a very successful marketing strategy for blog owners and freelancers to establish their command over topics related to their niche.
How Is Guest Posting Beneficial For Your Blog
Guest posting is an inbound marketing strategy which works wonders for bloggers. Simply stated guest posting means when bloggers decide to create content and post it on some other blog and not their own in return of adding a link to their blog in their description box. Ideally, the hosting website/blog should have a higher search engine ranking, a huge amount of active followers, and must have already established its credibility in the field. Following are a few ways in which bloggers benefit from guest posting on hosting websites.
1. Getting Your Name Out There
When bloggers guest post on a hosting website, the first benefit they gain is notability. Otherwise unknown to many readers out there, when you write a concrete article which contains useful information for the readers and guest post it on a website which has its worth established in the eyes of its audience, the first thing that will happen is people will notice your name.
They might want to find out more about the author who wrote such an impressive piece of content. They might read your author’s description and might as well click on the link to your blog you have given in author’s profile. Thus readers will then get acquainted with your blog and might engage with your posts as well.
2. Establishing Your Authority & Credibility:
The second way in which guest posting benefits your blog is building your reputation and trust of your audience. When a reputable hosting website decides to publish your article, its audience will consider you a Credible writer. Someone whose work is worth giving a read and delivers value. In this way, your worth is established in the eyes of readers, and you gain their trust.
When you guest post multiple articles in your niche on various guest-hosting platforms, you end up gaining command over your niche too. Since you have been guest posting for long enough and on different platforms within your niche, the webmasters know you, a lot of readers know you and your work never fails to deliver its value. You work hard and put heart and soul into your work, research well, and write well. All of these things add up and make you one of the gurus in your field, thus establishing your authority in your field.
Now think about the backlink you add to your blog in your guest articles. Many readers who would like your article would want to visit your blog and once your authority and credibility are established, they might as well start following your blog religiously for any updates and engage with posts and share them too.
3. Increased Traffic To Your Blog
This is a by-product of the first two benefits. Naturally, when readers like your article and decide to visit your blog, you are generating web traffic which means more people are paying visits, clicking on your blog links and engaging with posts on your blog. The more the traffic increases and people like your work and decide to follow, like share, subscribe, comment on or start discussions on your blog posts, the more your audience you draw to your blog organically.
4. Increased Audience/Subscribers/Followers
The more the traffic increases, so does the readership. Your audience grows. The more people read your blog posts, click on them like and share them, the more readers your blog attracts without having to pay for promoting your content or through any other spamming schemes.
5. Search Engine Ranking
As your blog grows because people genuinely like the content you create, your blog’s search engine ranking starts to improve. This means that if at first when typed your blog’s name it appeared on the fifth page of Google now it will come up maybe on the second page.
6. Creates Your Impact On Readers’ Lives
As you grow your blog through guest posting and increase your followers, you will learn that the ‘value’ they look for in your content is the ‘impact’ you have on their life. For example, if you are a blogger whose niche is mental health. You are not only educating your audience about the issues but unknowingly also helping them to resolve them in some way. This is why they keep coming back to your blog. To relate to someone and find a solution to their problems. Thus guest posting on hosting websites about mental health issues and then linking back it to your blog will help in not only growing your readership but also building your influence on your readers’ lives.
7. Helps You Write Better
Guest posting allows you to receive feedback from readers on the hosting website. Their feedback can help you grow and evolve as a writer and improve your writing skills. This, in turn, helps you create better posts on your blog. As the quality of your blog posts become better, the quantity of your readership grows too.
8. Expands Your Horizon
Guest posting gives you exposure to a lot of different platforms and their writing techniques. It helps create awareness in you about how to brand yourself as a writer, understand your audience and promote your blog efficiently.
9. Grow Personal & Professional Network
When you decide to guest post on a website, you end up gaining followers. These followers could convert into real-life friends or may be potential employers. These relationship-building and networking exercises would give your blog posts a boost in post engagements.
Potential employers and your followers turned-into-support group and friends would like to keep an eye for your next post. As soon as you post it, they might want to read it, give it a thumbs up and share it, etc. Thus growing your blog’s reach and improving its online ranking.
11. Generates Sales Leads
In case you own a brand and promote it through your blog. Guest posting done effectively can convert your potential leads into customers. You can then post their happy feedback on your social media with a link to your blog and keep creating awareness about your products/services. This does not only grow your blog but creates happy customers in real life.
With numerous benefits, guest posting is a great way to add value to your blog and establish standing in the market. There is a lot to gain and nothing to lose, so why not give it a shot?