If you have been using Facebook and other social media platforms long enough, you have probably heard that there are optimal posting times to get as many likes as possible.
☝️ Many Facebook pages follow those posting times religiously and even buy Facebook likes to get an initial boost while their posts are still fresh.
But which times are those? And does the time of posting actually matter when you post if your Facebook posts are great? The answer to the second question is positive. The posting time can propel your posts or make them buried and almost invisible.
So, how to find the best time to post on Facebook? You should consider several factors, and we will talk more about them in this article, so keep reading!
Time of Posting – Does It Matter?
First of all, let’s elaborate a bit on your question about whether the posting time makes any difference at all. Picture this: you are the head of Facebook marketing for a toy brand. This brand specializes in toys for preschool children. Your target audience is the parents of those children.
Now, imagine you start posting in the early morning. Your target audience, the parents, are traveling to work and driving their kids to preschool. So, they probably won’t see your post for another hour or two, and your post will probably get buried under newer posts by then.
However, if you choose another time, for example, a lunch break, your post will pop up in the feed when these parents have some free time they usually spend online. This is only one example, but it is perfect proof that there is the best time to post a story on Facebook (or any other post).
That time usually depends on your target audience’s demographics, but it can also depend on other things, such as time of the day/week, holiday season, etc.
Optimal Times to Post on Facebook – Weekly
To decide when the best time to post on FB is, let’s first look at days in the week. On Monday, everything is hectic and stressful, and many people aren’t in a great mood. Then, Tuesday comes, and Wednesday and Thursday right behind it. These three days are considered golden for posting on social media.
Friday comes, and people are already counting down to the weekend, and they try to finish everything they didn’t during the passing week. Then, on Saturday and Sunday, people are trying to make the most of their free time, or they will finish some errands they couldn’t do during the workdays.
📌 So, if you don’t need to post every day, choose Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to schedule your posts. During these days, people have the most time and energy to look at your stories and posts.
Good Times to Post on Facebook – Daily
Now, you probably wonder what to do if you need to post every day. For example, when to post on Facebook on Friday? Again, this depends on your target audience, their way of life, their location/time zone, etc. In general, the best hours for posting on Facebook are these:
- ✔️ 6 am – 4 pm on workdays
- ✔️ 7 am – 9 am
- ✔️ 1 pm – 3 pm
- ✔️ 11 am – 4 pm on weekends
- ✔️ 7 pm – 9 pm
Avoid posting after 9 pm because this is the time when most people prepare to sleep. Even if they scroll their social media before dozing off, they likely won’t interact with your post as much as they would otherwise do.
➥ Other Most Active Times on Facebook
Despite these rules, your best time to post on Facebook for likes, comments, and story views can be completely different. Ask yourself what time Facebook is most active when it comes to your friends and followers. Adjust your posting schedule to that, and make your own rules.
Additional Tips for More Engagement
Even if you missed your best time to post a photo on Facebook, you can still get a decent engagement. First of all, think of your Facebook page and its purpose. Is it a personal page or a business page? The best times to post on Facebook for business may differ from the best times to post on a personal page/profile.
Use Facebook insights or another social media management tool. These social media management tools help you take a closer look at your own data and past post performance. This way, you can see which one of your previous social media posts performed the best. Then, ask yourself how you can replicate that success with new posts.
📌 Of course, don’t focus only on the posting times. Try to make the most of the Facebook algorithm by consistently posting good content. Find out what your target audience wants to see and read and provide that.
Use hashtags, emojis, and well thought calls to action. Ask questions and create polls. This will further motivate your friends and followers to engage with your posts. Of course, make sure that all of that looks natural and authentic.
Finally, there are great websites where you can purchase Facebook likes, comments, and followers or boost other aspects of your engagement. For example, SocialBoss.org can help you reach a wider Facebook audience. For some pocket change, your Facebook posts will gain more visibility and engagement than ever before.
Q: 📝 What’s the best time to schedule posts on Facebook?
A: Your posting schedule should reflect your target audience and their social media habits. However, the general rule of thumb says that Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the best days to post, especially between 6 am and 4 pm and between 7 pm and 9 pm.
Q: ⌚️ What’s the best time to post something on Facebook?
A: In general, the best time to post is when most of your followers are online.
Q: 👥 What time are most people on Facebook?
A: 6 am – 4 pm, as well as 7 pm – 9 pm.
Q: 📈 What time are people most active on Facebook?
A: When it comes to activity (not just being online and scrolling), the peak hours are between 11 am and 1 pm.
After reading this article, you know the best time to get likes on Facebook. Hopefully, you can use it to plan your content strategy and get as much engagement as possible. In the end, a successful social media strategy depends on many factors, including the optimal time to post.
To build a consistent engagement, always look at a greater picture that involves so many details: the quality of your posts, your audience’s needs, new trends, etc.