Earlier this month Qualcomm, the mobile chip making company announced that it has completed its first test of a 5G connection on a mobile device using the X50 5G modem. The company’s long march towards 5G(fifth-generation) technology has taken few steps forward by announcing the world’s first 5G smartphone which will be used to test 5G modems, radios, and networks.
After the company announced the reference design, a Twitter user with handle @sherifhanna has tweeted a picture of world’s first 5G smartphone. Sherif Hanna is the marketing lead for LTE and 5G NR Modems for Qualcomm.
Earlier this month Qualcomm announced that the first 5G connection with a mobile phone was completed using the X50 5G modem and was performed on the 28GHz millimeter wave frequency band. The company said that the modem achieved gigabit speeds in this test, but it is capable of 5Gbps speeds once full 5G deployments are completed.
What do you think of the design of world’s first 5G smartphone? Share your views in the comments below!