June 13, 2017

How to Disable Microsoft Edge Download Save Prompt in Windows 10

Microsoft Edge is a new web browser that is designed for Windows 10 to be faster, safer, and compatible with the modern Web. The browser isn’t bad but it’s definitely work-in-progress with several features, add-ons, etc.

How to Disable Microsoft Edge Download Save Prompt in Windows 10.

By default, when you attempt to download a file, Microsoft Edge prompts you to select what should be done for that file. It helps you to decide whether you want to save the item to its default location or somewhere else. You can either select ‘Save’ option, ‘Save As’ option to select a folder for download, or ‘Cancel’ the download. However, this can get a bit annoying, if you always save your downloads in the same folder

Luckily, you could turn off the save prompt asking you where to save your downloaded files in Microsoft Edge.

Here’s how to disable Download Save Prompt on Microsoft Edge:

  • Open the Microsoft Edge app.
  • Click on the ‘More actions’ button (three dots) in the menu at the top right corner and go to Settings.

How to Disable Microsoft Edge Download Save Prompt in Windows 10 (7)

  • Click on ‘View advanced settings.’

How to Disable Microsoft Edge Download Save Prompt in Windows 10 (8)

  • Under Downloads, toggle ‘Ask me what to do with each download’ off.

How to Disable Microsoft Edge Download Save Prompt in Windows 10 (9)

Once this feature is disabled, whenever you try to download a file using Microsoft Edge, it will start downloading automatically to the default download location or custom location set by you. You can turn on that “Ask me what to do with each download” option anytime to re-enable download save prompt in Microsoft Edge.

Optional: If you don’t want downloads to go to your Downloads folder, you can change the location by clicking ‘Change’ under ‘Save downloaded files to’ and browse to the location where you want to save the files.

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