April 18, 2021

How to Fix Exodus Redux No Stream Available Error

The Kodi app is one of the most popular multi-platform open-source streaming apps available nowadays. However, despite its popularity, it still encounters issues every now and then. One issue that’s predominant on the Exodus third-party add-on is the error where it says there’s no stream available.

What Does the No Stream Available Error Mean?

When you try to stream a movie or TV show on your Kodi that’s running the Exodus Redux add-on, there are times when you receive a “No stream available” error. When this happens, the content of the video you’re trying to stream can’t be loaded on the device you’re using. When this error appears, it usually happens on most streaming links available, which can completely hinder your movie streaming experience. Fortunately, there are some troubleshooting steps you can do to try and remedy the issue.

What Are the Possible Causes for This Issue?

  • Your device may be running on an outdated version of Exodus.
  • The content you’re trying to stream may no longer be available.
  • Your device may be experiencing some issues related to your network.
  • Your network may be blocking Exodus from connecting and gaining access to streaming links.
  • If your internet connection isn’t stable, trying to stream a high-quality video could cause a time-out.

Troubleshooting Steps to Try

There are different reasons why you could be seeing the “No stream available” error. As such, there are multiple ways you can try to resolve the problem. Before panicking or giving up, try these troubleshooting steps first—they’re simple, and most of the time, a simple fix is all you need.

Check For Updates

On the Add-ons section of your Kodi, head over to the Install from repository shortcut found on the screen.

Now, you’ll be directed to a page wherein you’ll find all the repositories installed on your device. Open up the options for the Exodus repository.

Click on Check for updates. If there are any updates available, the app should automatically start downloading them. Remember to keep your Kodi and your Exodus add-on updated at all times.

Clear Cache

If updating the Exodus Redux add-on didn’t work, you can try clearing the add-on’s cache. To do so, go to the Add-ons section of your Kodi and you should be able to see the Exodus add-on on the Video add-ons section.

Scroll down and click on My Movies.

Now, tap on Tools.

Select the Clear cache option.

Tap Yes to confirm.

Once it’s down clearing the cache, you’ll see a notification banner.

Now, click on Clear providers. The process is pretty much the same.

Click Yes again to confirm.

Wait for the notification banner to appear on your screen.

Return Settings to Default

If you want to take things up a notch, reset all your settings back to default. After clearing the cache, scroll up to Settings: General.

Now, you’ll see different tabs: General, Playback, Providers, Accounts, Downloads, and Subtitles. Click “Defaults” for each of these tabs to reset the settings.


After doing these troubleshooting steps yourself, you should find that Exodus Redux will begin streaming movies for you once again. Don’t forget to restart your Kodi app before trying to stream again.

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