There are many Web Hosting providers in the market but not many of them are very reliable. Most of them go down with a little spike in traffic and the majority of them do have very poor support. Also, the one that has good support tends to be very expensive.
Finding a web hosting that is reliable at the same time inexpensive is a difficult task I must say. One such hosting is Â WHDMS offers both free and premium hosting. As of now, they are running an offer where they are providing free hosting with a space of 1GB along with cPanel. cPanel makes it very easy to set up your website and manage your website database and files easily.
Below are the best features offered by WHDMS Free Hosting:
- Instant hosting account delivery in less than 60 seconds once they have an account with us.
1024 MB Web Space, 100 GB data transfer, One website, 5 Emails, 5 FTP accounts, 5 MySQL databases and lot more., - Daily auto backups.
- Website monitoring alerts/notifications.
- 24×7 managed support.
- Two-Step authentication implementation for future security.
- Unified control panel to manage all their services, billing, invoices, support tickets and account management all in one place.
- No ads or banners.
- No credit card required.
How to Avail 1GB Free Hosting?
- Go to this page [link]
- Then click on create a new account.
- That’s all you will have your account setup ready within few minutes once you are done with the signup process.
- You will have your account setup done within the first 60 seconds and you can start hosting your website or blog on WHDMS.
If in case you have finished your 1GB hosting or you need more features then you can easily upgrade to their premium hosting and take advantage of the full features. Visit
Do let us know if you are facing any difficulty in availing free hosting in your comments below, we can help you out with the same.
Hope you liked this review of Do check out my Bluehost review, which is a serious competitor in the web hosting market with a near-perfect score.