Similar to other popular social media platforms today, a YouTube channel can have its own set of subscribers and friends (these are 2 different things). These can have different levels of access to the content and functions of your channel and profile page, depending on your settings.
To know the profiles of your YouTube subscribers, just go and check out your channel. A quick look at your Youtube page can help you acquire a lot of important details for setting up your channel to further enhance the experience of your viewers and subscribers. This can also result in more visibility, which can, in turn, lead to more viewers and subscribers for your Youtube channel.
How to View Your YouTube Channel
- Log in to your YouTube channel using your username and password combo;
- Click on your username, which you can find in the upper-right corner of the screen;
- After opening the drop-down menu, click “Channel”; and
- You’re now able to gain access to the Channel View version of your account. This is the screen that your subscribers will see when they visit your account.
How to See the YouTube Profiles of Your Subscribers
- Scroll down your channel page, until you see your Subscribers box. If you have plenty of subscribers, then click on See All. This is located on the bottom-right corner of your Subscribers page; and
- You can click on a specific subscriber, which enables you to also take a look at their Youtube channels and profiles.
How to Look at Subscriptions
To see your subscriptions, scroll through your channel for a bit, until you see a box labeled “Subscriptions”. This will display a listing of the channels that you subscribed to since you began your own channel. However, this shouldn’t be confused with the people who have subscribed to you, or people and channels you have added as friends.
Visiting Your Insight Page on YouTube
If you want to find out more information regarding the people who look at your channel, then you can do the following:
- Click on your username located on the upper-right side of the Youtube page;
- Click “History”. Doing this will take you to your channel’s metrics (also known as the Insight page); and
- When you click on the headings on the page, including Popularity or Demographics, you can take a look at your channel’s stats. This includes the gender, age, and location of the people who viewed your channel, or watched and liked your videos.
Keep in mind that users who recently subscribed to your channel will only be shown on your page if they have set their YouTube channel to the public. While taking a look at your subscriber list, you might have noticed that it is organized by channel popularity, or whoever has the highest number of subscribers.
There are 2 things you can do at this point. The first one is to either click on your YouTube channel to look at their page or subscribe back to them to keep updated on their videos.