It is Christmas time, and everyone who celebrates Christmas is busy buying gifts for the family. It’s not odd to see too many people stretching themselves to buy as many gifts as they can. Most of the users do not sell mobile phones and old gadgets because they underestimate the value hidden in old mobile phones, especially if they are broken. Mobile phones always depreciate with the passage of time. Normally iPhones are famous to hold their value better than Samsung and other Android mobile phones, but in 2019, it’s about to change. Since 2010 when the mobile phone networks had the upgrade from 3G to 4G the mobile phones depreciated at a massive pace and the same is about to happen once again so rather than losing value at the rate of 3% per month the mobile phones are about to lose much of their value within a couple of months as 5G mobile phones are about to take over the full market with a storm.
This Christmas is the last chance to get rid of your old mobile phone because before Christmas the demand for mobile phones is high and just after Christmas everyone seems to be selling their old mobile phone without as many buyers. It’s the simple rule of demand and supply.
Some Facts
- Just in 2017, more than 1.5 billion mobile phones were sold globally, and more than 20% of them were Samsung. Apple has sold more than 2.2 billion mobile phones until 2018.
- In 2015, Apple collected more than 90 million pounds of mobile phones and managed to collect $43 million worth of gold from their mobile phones.
- Every mobile phone contains a small amount of the following materials: Steel, Plastics, Glass, Aluminium, Copper, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead, Nickel, Silver, Tin, Gold.
- Apple has developed a robot called Liam, which can disassemble an iPhone within 11 seconds, and Apple has the most efficient way to dismantle mobile phones to extract all metals from it.
Samsung and other major vendors still have to come up with an amazing mobile phone recycling solution like Apple. Apple has been leading the mobile phone recycling industry among all leading mobile phone vendors. Mobile Phone recycling not only helps to keep the environment clean but also helps keep the demand for newer mobile phones low. Selling old mobile phones does not just help you generate cash, but it also helps to keep the environment clean. If you are not fond of selling your old mobile phone, you can pass it on to someone who needs a mobile phone, but you have to make sure that the mobile phone is wiped before you sell your old mobile phone. Phone recycling companies also offer cash when you sell your old mobile phone. According to one report, less than 10% of mobile phones are recycled appropriately or are refurbished to be used as mobile phones.
The scenario is much different when you try to get rid of a broken mobile phone as in the UK due to expensive labor rates, repairing a mobile phone sometimes can be costly and that’s why most of the mobile phone end up in a drawer or in a cupboard rather than reading recycling centers or being sold to someone who will use it as a functional mobile phone.
You should browse all mobile phone recycling companies in order to get the best possible price so that it can help you generate money for beloved Christmas gifts. And make sure you browse through different options before you chose one option to sell your old mobile phone.