September 11, 2017

How To Create A Facebook Profile Picture Frame,Campaign- 4 Simple Steps

Did you ever observe people with profile overlays on Facebook or did you ever change your profile picture with frames supporting Digital India campaign or paying tribute to the victims of Paris attacks campaign? These are profile picture campaigns on Facebook. You might know how to change your profile picture supporting a campaign. But have you ever wondered how to create a profile picture campaign of your own? It takes only a few steps to create a profile image campaign and any person can do it. So, this article is all about creating a profile image campaign for an event or organization or a cause. Here is the sequence of steps you need to follow. Scroll down to see them.

1. Create an overlay for Profile picture

Firstly, create an overlay for the profile picture according to the cause for which you decided to start a campaign.

2. Login into iSupportCause Website

After creating a frame, open website and then click on the Login/Signup link at the top right corner of the website.


If you already have an account then you can log in with those login credentials or you could just login with Facebook or you could just create an account and log in.


After logging in, you will be navigated to welcome page with a Profile section and Campaigns Created sections. Click on the create your first campaign link in the Campaigns Created section.


3. Create Your Campaign

After performing step 2 you will be navigated to a create campaign web page which contains a form. Here you need to fill in the details such as campaign name, description, category of the cause, upload an overlay frame which will be added to the profile pictures of the users(preferable image size would be 400×400 with transparent background), overlay transparency(prefer min value for transparent background and 50% or more for overlays without transparent background).




You can even add a hashtag for your campaign. Click on the Create Campaign button after filling the details.

4. Manage Your Campaigns

After creating a campaign you will be navigated to a web page with Profile and Campaigns Created section. Click on the update icon to change any details. Click on the view symbol in the actions tab to view the profile pic overlay which you created.


If you are not satisfied with the look you have an option to adjust the percentage of the overlay with the Choose overlay bar. Now click on the Generate Profile Picture to share the picture on FB and to make it as the profile picture or just click on the Use Facebook Profile Picture button to directly make it as your profile picture.


To share this overlay to your friends, just copy the URL of the web page you get after you click on the view icon and share this URL on Facebook. Now anyone can make use of this overlay and change their profile pictures.


That’s it, it is an easy task and takes only a few minutes to create a campaign. What are you waiting for? Go create your own Facebook profile campaign.


About the author 


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