Secret Santa; it’s everyone’s worst nightmare, but it needs to be done. Whether it’s in the workplace or at a club, Secret Santa brings out the best and worst in people. The idea is difficult for those that you know, but just how would you go about it for someone that you didn’t know at all?
Don’t go overboard
The whole concept of Secret Santa is to get something inexpensive for someone you barely speak two words to. That means not going overboard; getting someone a costly gift can be nice, but not for someone that you cannot hold a conversation with for more than five minutes – or you haven’t even had the chance to do so.
Speak to friends
If you are in a workplace or club, take one of their friends – if they have any – to one side and ask them what your Secret Santa is interested in. There is no harm in asking, and it will make you seem actually interested in the person and actually care about what you get for them, giving you brownie points within the office.
If speaking to your Secret Santa’s friends doesn’t yield any results, then talking to your own and asking for help may well provide the required results. It’s probably guaranteed that some – if not all – of your friends have had to buy such a present for someone that they don’t really know.
Do a bit of digging
If speaking to their or your friends does not do the job, then there is another option in getting to know your giftee. Using people search engines and looking at background checks by using public information provides you with a quick and simple way to find relevant information and data on a particular person.
Now, that might seem a bit overboard – which is exactly what you shouldn’t do for the actual gift – but it can help you discover a person’s past with data accessed from their criminal, commercial, financial, and educational records. Of course, if you do go down this way, be sure not to mention it to the person, or it could ruin your reputation in the office.
Something tea or coffee related
Now, it might seem obvious – especially if you are getting a Secret Santa for an office acquaintance – but everyone loves getting something tea or coffee related. Even if they don’t like tea or coffee, they will be able to find someone who does.
An example of the KATI Steeping Cup and Infuser for $20 can be a good buy. Having an infuser means loose tea leaves can be taken on the go, and, even if your Secret Santa doesn’t like tea, the infuser can be taken out and any hot beverage can be put in.
Working in an office, the kettle gets brewed every ten minutes so this infuser could well be a godsend.
Go alcohol
If your Secret Santa is a drinker, it’s got to be alcohol. It’s easy, accessible and can put you in the good books. It’s hard to go wrong with a nice bottle of wine or a pack of beer and it can certainly make your life a lot simpler than spending countless hours of racking your brains for the perfect gift for someone you barely know.
Plus, Christmas is usually an alcohol merry-go-round, so if you were to buy your Secret Santa a bottle of something nice, you will likely receive the same honor from someone else in your life, whether it be inside or outside the office.