March 18, 2022

10 Best Tips to Make Learning Fun

Many things have been altered due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including education. The online education method has been adopted by almost every educational sector globally. It is one of the most convenient and effective ways to communicate with many people while being at home.

However, both students and professors have worries about making an online class exciting and worthwhile to listen to. It is difficult for pupils to pay attention when in their comfortable homes. On the other hand, teachers fail to capture the interest of their students.

This article will assist teachers in identifying some creative ways to make their classes more interactive and engaging.

Tips You Should Follow to Have Fun Teaching

Interesting lessons are always better than the rest. Talking this on behalf of both teachers and students, they find it more stimulating to embed interesting facts across the lessons. Here are a few ideas for making an online course more entertaining and engaging.

1. Make Technology A Part Of Your Lesson

Technology has made its way to most of the areas of our lives. It is what kids love, so to make your lessons more interactive, try incorporating technology like tablets, smartboards, and computers into your daily tasks. Instead of standing in front of your students and lecturing them about a particular topic, you can use a smartboard and swipe your way through the lecture.

2. Make Your Lessons Interactive

When a teacher is in the classroom or giving an online lecture, the most important thing is that the students pay attention. To make your lessons more interactive and fascinating, you can use Doratoon – a free animation software.

Doratoon helps you to enhance your presentations as it has unique themes and templates that make your work more presentable and attractive. Teachers can include appealing, instructive pictures in their teaching videos for the best online learning. Doratoon is a sort of animation creator that serves you customized backgrounds for your video presentations to make them look more attractive and captivating.

Make use of the different features offered across Doratoon to make the best lessons, out of which someone is mentioned below:

  • AI Intelligent Drawing: Design the best images, characters, and animated drawings with the AI-based tool. Use complimenting effects to make them attractive.
  • Animation Effects: Use animation effects to bring life to the videos. You can also design customized effects for bringing uniqueness across the video.
  • AI Intelligent Dubbing: You can use artificial intelligence to convert text into speech across a globally accepted dialect.
  • Format Painter: Format Painter helps manage the audio across the presentations to develop interaction across them on a different level.

Try It Now to Make Class Funny and Interesting>>>

3. Host Some Friendly Competitions

Competitions are always healthy and beneficial when done in the right way. A teacher must arrange competitions and activities to stimulate student energy and make your class exciting. Prizes and incentives should be given to the winners to encourage students to participate more actively in class discussions.

Students appear to attend such lectures enthusiastically as mind games always develop abilities and make lectures more enjoyable. This activity can be used in online classes as well. Good grades and appreciation should be given to the student who completes the best assignment or has the best attendance.

4. Get Up And Move

Isn’t it boring to sit all day in class and keep listening to what the teacher says? It surely is. People tend to be more productive and active when moving and doing their work. But a classroom has its decorum; to maintain that and the activeness of students, you should plan your day accordingly.

When you find your class dull, give them a break or include movement in your lesson to make it a bit engaging. Have them come to the board and ask them to write a few spellings; this will jiggle their mind and refresh them.

5. Give Them Choices

Students of all age groups get excited and happy when asked to work as per their liking. They learn and work swiftly in such an environment. If you give them an artwork assignment, for example, don’t dictate every last detail; instead, let them express their originality. It not only entertains children but also provides an excellent opportunity to learn.

6. Relate Class Content To Their Lives

Students are always drawn to anything that brings real-life events to their attention; it is a more effective method of learning new information. If your students ask you why they are supposed to learn something, never give them incomplete answers or answers that make no sense. This will lose their interest, and they will be uninvolved in what you are teaching them.

7. Engage All Kinds Of Intelligence

A classroom full of pupils is a classroom full of minds and ideas. Allowing your pupil to do things his way is the best approach to learn and engage him. When a teacher asks students to summarize a passage, not every student will write a summary; others will sketch and explain their thoughts. You will engage them if you provide them with options better.

8. Take It Outside

Imagine you are teaching photosynthesis, and your class is not responding much; what you can do is take your class outdoors and teach them the process with practical examples. This strategy never goes wrong; instead, kids enjoy being outdoors.

When you’re teaching online, you can complete this task as well. You can invite your students to go outside and show you what activities they have available to them.

9. Don’t Repeat Classroom Material

When the teacher repeats or recalls the previous lecture, the students lose interest. However, it is critical to go over the work completed earlier in the session. So, to keep it engaging and fun, play ‘review games’ with them, such as asking them to write down what they recall doing in the previous lesson.

10. Create Group Time

When students are allowed to work together, they respond swiftly to everything because sitting among their classmates and discussing topics piques their interest. It improves critical thinking and communication skills. Group time adds variety to your classes and makes learning and teaching more enjoyable.


This article outlines how education has changed since COVID-19 and teachers’ worries about making a lesson worth attending interesting and enjoyable.

We addressed several pretty entertaining strategies in this article that may be used throughout the class to make it more interesting. On the other hand, the usage of free animated software is detailed for a teacher to create appealing content to capture her pupils’ interest.

About the author 

Elle Gellrich

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