August 15, 2022

10 Tools to Help Students Write Better

There is no limit to perfection, especially in writing. Even if you have always been a good writer, you can hit writer’s block – when you lose the ability to produce new quality work. It could happen, so don’t worry about that – it happens to everyone. Nowadays, there are many helpful tools, books, or websites that can support you or simply inspire you. And here are the best of them.


One of the easiest ways is to review some examples or ask professionals for help. You may find hundreds of websites (some of them could be free) that provide vast libraries of essays or have a few specialists who can help with your work or even write the full text that you require. You just need to choose yours or a similar topic. Bear in mind that we are not advising you to copy-paste them; nobody likes cheaters! It’s important to write an essay in your own words and use your unique style; otherwise, it will lack originality. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t review some samples or borrow any information or facts; in the end, we all need to know how to steel-like artists. Professional writers at can support you with unique and strong content text.

Thesis Generator

One of the most important parts of the essay is a thesis, and each student could face difficulties when working on one. As it is not just an agenda or plan for your work – it is much more complicated. Anyway, you can arrange it by using online tools. The thesis Generator requires your topic, the opinion, the main idea, the few but strong reasons that support your opinion, an opposing viewpoint, and a possible title. Once you have indicated all this information, the website will generate a few theses for you. After you have created one, you can leave it as it is or modify it according to your wishes – it’s up to you.


There is no bigger sin in essay writing than plagiarism. Of course, your body text mostly consists of already checked and known information; however, it is highly important to avoid duplication. Try to modify parts of the text that you borrow from some resources. Again, you can use some supportive online tools to show you the uniqueness percentage. PlagTracker will check how original and unique your work is, and will fix punctuation errors and other writing issues. Some of the similar tools also provide writing services like those described before.


Nowadays, we have the possibility to set up our own online libraries for work. Most of them can also support us when it comes to the issue discussed above. It’s just required to upload all the files you have for the essay. Then, the tool will analyze them and identify the sources. ReadCube allows you not only to keep your files but also to highlight the quotations you want to use and leave useful comments to check out later.

Paraphrasing Tool

If you write an essay by yourself without any additional materials, but still, it is not unique (unfortunately, it happens), you can try Paraphrasing Tool, which will help to change many words with synonyms. It could be a little time-consuming as it will replace each word in your work. So try to use sentences that were identified as unique. Then carefully read the proposed variant and change only some words in your work.

alphabets, blur, close-up


You can always improve your writing skills on your own (write every day, all night) or use writing labs, where you can handle many exercises, practice your skills, and overcome writer’s block. Most of these websites provide online interactive exercises that guide users step by step through all phases: pre-writing, writing, organizing, editing, rewriting, and publishing.
You can try Parapal-Online while dealing with:

  • Listening exercises
  • Business English exercises
  • Punctuation exercises
  • Vocabulary-building exercises, etc.

Purdue University Writing Lab

Each student needs in-depth support, so it is essential to have some theoretical pieces of knowledge about the writing process. Seems boring? But how will you drive a car if you don’t know what each pedal does? Seems that writing is not that hard. Why are there so many boring or confusing articles? Without fundamental knowledge, you cannot be a good writer unless you have the divine gift.
Purdue University offers a great writing lab with its own library, which includes full explanations about writing in general and subject-specific writing. In addition, there are many tips in case English is not your native language.


Native speaker or not, you can make mistakes in grammar, and this tool, Grammarly, will help you with that. This one and other similar tools are helpful not only during the writing process itself but also offer some important educational background that can be later used in the future. We hope you’ll remember at least some of your mistakes and will avoid them next time.

Hemingway App

Maybe, you want to know how other people see your writing. You have an old-school solution – give your work for someone’s review. Or you can use modern online tools, such as the Hemingway App. It will tell you which sentence is too long or complicated, which word you should replace, etc.

Paper Rater

If you want to take a closer look at your work, use online report generators. But be careful – some of them are so strict that they can make you cry. Paper Rater can provide complete statistics of your essay with tables and graphs. However, using such tools after checking your text for plagiarism is essential to avoid double work.

This is our best list, but feel free to search for other tools that will be more comfortable for you, as many similar websites provide various services you can use while writing. The main thing is to keep practicing; maybe one day, your work will reach worldwide popularity.

About the author 

Imran Uddin

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