October 13, 2021

5 simple web design tips that will work for everyone

In the new economic situation, it is almost impossible to build a business without a website. This simple truth requires absolutely no proof. Another question: how best to design a site and make it successful and recognizable? In this article, we will give examples of simple and popular rules for the design and promotion of sites, which will not soon lose their relevance. You will also find a lot of useful information at https://fireart.studio/blog/web-design-vs-graphic-design/.

Personal manager for your website

Most marketers argue that the “spoiled” modern web user should not be left behind. Chatbox is the most budgetary and proven version of a simulator of communication with a potential client when a real manager cannot pay attention to the customer

It has its drawbacks, but it works – this has been proven by time and positive SEO reviews. Without receiving feedback, the user will not just leave the site. It is likely that he will never return. So feel free to install an autoresponder and process orders 24 hours a day.

Mobile version

Are you remember how everyone switched from stationary PCs to laptops? Their sellers assured that the processor will live forever. This is how most users will start shopping online from their phone or smartphone. The latest data have pointed this out a long time ago. More than 80% of users use their phones to search for and buy goods and services on the Internet.

The mobile version should be the original solution, and the full-screen mode should be an extension of your product. This procedure will save you from defective mobile versions because it is mobile sites that are the future of online commerce.

Personalizing font is an important aspect of a site’s uniqueness

Today it is difficult to calculate the primacy between the text part and the images on the site. Video and animation are also actively gaining traction across all online platforms and gaining more and more customer attention.

It is important that the text will remain one of the main sources of information. It leds to the relevance of using unique fonts. The author’s font has become an affordable pleasure. It is better to choose legible fonts that are easy to make out. It is recommended to use no more than 3 types of fonts. You should also not forget about the rules of layout and creative design. For example, you can make all capital letters of the page menu bold.

Color solutions. Modern trends and features

The image “design of the 90s” and “minimalism” in light colors have long lost their dominant significance. No, light and neutral tones will continue to be used. This is a great way to introduce yourself and make a first impression on the user. But the increased number of applications, banners, videos, animations, and many more “chips” are unlikely to allow you to stay on top.

Using 2 or more colors and 1 gradient is sometimes a necessary measure. It is better to use corporate colors or colors that complement the company logo. It is better to transfer all non-standard for the site colors (as a rule, bright colors) to fragments that call to action (for example, the button “more” or “buy”).

SEO optimization and its role in website promotion

Well-tuned Google Analytics tools help you determine the characteristics of your target audience and optimize your site for specific user requests. This is one of the key indicators of the future success of any online product.

Modern Internet technologies, identification programs, and analytics tools provide tremendous opportunities for website development and promotion. You can easily determine the time of visit, locality, and activity of any user on the site.

A vivid example of the platform’s geo-adaptation can be seen when a client visits the site and the system itself sets the geographic location and pulls up the name of the settlement in a prominent place. Accordingly, each author of the site will be able to display specific content for a specific user, because by request “buy in the City of N …” it is initially better to show the results for the specified geographic location.

Read more information about motion graphics trends on our website!

About the author 

Peter Hatch

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