If you want to convert ACSM to PDF, then you can use online converters. You can also use certain desktop software products or mobile apps that have the ability to do so. Plus, you can use the latest versions of certain Adobe products to get rid of DRM protection. That’s because plenty of ACSM files are also Adobe DRM-protected files.
Here’s how to quickly convert ACSM to PDF. You’ll also learn about the best PDF editors found on the Internet today, according to many users worldwide. Found below are a few simple steps for converting ACSM to PDF through the aid of software called Adobe Digital Editions.
How to Convert ACSM to PDF
- First, you need to download and install a program called Adobe Digital Editions onto your Windows computer. Take note, this program is only available for Windows users at the moment. Second, after you launch the program, click Help > Authorize Computer. A window will pop up. Third, just enter your Adobe ID and password, then click “Authorize” to authorize it;
- However, what if you don’t have an Adobe account? Well, just make one at their official website – It’s very easy and takes less than 10 minutes; and
- Lastly, you can now begin converting ACSM Files to PDF. Open your ACSM file using Adobe Digital Editions. After you select the file, a download process will initialize. Once it’s done downloading, the file will open up right away. You now have a PDF file stored in your computer.
What is an ACSM File?
ACSM stands for Adobe Content Server Message file. Each ACSM file is appended by a .ACSM extension. It’s a file that’s used by Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) for downloading and activating Adobe DRM-protected content.
It’s important for you to know that ACSM files don’t come with eBook files in the regular sense. In fact, you can’t open or read them similar to other eBook formats, such as .pdf or ePub files.
Instead, an ACSM file contains nothing but information and can communicate with Adobe servers. There are no eBooks stored inside the ACSM file, and there isn’t a way to extract this book from other ACSM files, either.
An ACSM file includes data coming from the Adobe Content Server, which, in turn, is used to ensure that the book is legally purchased. The real eBook file can now be downloaded to your computer, thanks to the Adobe Digital Editions program. You can then view its human-readable content with the aid of the same software, or any other compatible eBook reader in your device.
After you set up this software in your device, you’re free to open up one of your ACSM files. This allows you to register the book to the ID you’ve recently configured using the Adobe Digital Editions software. You may now also read the same book on any device that runs ADE through the same user ID, without having to buy it again.