December 27, 2021

Does Your Website Need a HeatMap? How HeatMaps Can Grow Your Business

Website owners use website heatmap software to analyze user engagement. This software shows us how visitors interacted with a site, where they spent most of their time, how long they kept the pages open, etc. To be more precise, these tools track the clicking of the mouse.

You can see exactly how visitors behave and how their pointer hovers over different elements on the page. As you can guess based on the name, all of the data is represented graphically by utilizing red, yellow, and blue nuances, with red showing the most activity and dark blue showing the least.

Heatmaps are great for websites struggling with high bounce rates and low engagement. When used correctly, they can significantly boost SEO and conversion. If there are some elements of the page that people never click on, you should remove or change them. Vice versa, you should focus on things that people look at.

In this article, we will explain how heatmaps can help grow your business.

1. Understand How People Are Using Your Website

Website owners and visitors sometimes have different ways of utilizing sites. As someone who has created it, you know precisely which pages to visit and where to shop. However, someone who has landed on your website for the first time doesn’t have the same insights.

A lot of sites are struggling with bad sitemaps or poor interlinking. As a result, people who visit one of the blog posts might never visit the shop or service pages.

With heatmaps, you will know precisely how people utilize the pages on your site. They might be focusing on the wrong areas without noticing links to other pages. This is especially common for sites with lots of graphically-enthralling elements.

However, this problem can get even more drastic. For example, potential buyers might have trouble finding buttons such as “Buy” or “Add to Cart.” Despite their willingness to make a purchase, they might not have the know-how.

2. Find Ignored Areas

One of the most common mistakes website owners make is trying too hard. To increase time spent on a page, they will create lengthy articles with lots of images and various graphs. Often, this comes at the detriment of conversion.

By using SEO tools, you can easily find the most popular pages on your site. But you need heatmap software to discover popular page elements and those that are not.

When you find these problematic images, infographics, or parts of the text, you can either eliminate them or modify them. Whatever you decide to do, it will likely be a positive change.

Keep in mind that having ignored areas is not always a negative thing. Sometimes, it might suggest that people are too focused on converting parts of the page, so they don’t look at other elements.

3. Improve The Positioning Of CTAs

CTA or Call To Action is an element of a page meant to increase conversion. It can be a simple line such as: “If you like our products, make sure to visit the shop.” CTAs are meant to remind people that you’re selling something and that they should definitely check it out. In many ways, it is the most important thing on a page.

Despite the fact that most website owners know what CTA is, many of them don’t know how to use it properly. One of the usual mistakes is bad positioning. A common practice is to place it at the end of an article, just as a reader is about to leave the page.

By using heatmap software, you can determine whether the visitors are interacting with it. Furthermore, you can use the heatmaps to position CTA in an area with the most eye traffic.

4. Analyze The Impact Of Changes

People make website changes all the time. In most cases, these modifications are made in an attempt to increase visits and/or conversion.

Unfortunately, we don’t know what kind of results these alterations will bring. Although we can utilize SEO tools to check the data, the analysis won’t be complete without heatmap software.

Using these tools, you can determine how new elements improved the page and how the alternations affected other parts of the page. By adding a paragraph of text, you can change how people interact with other parts of the article. For example, due to the increased length of a piece, some visitors might not reach the lower parts of the post.

Even better, once you find a formula that works for one page, you can apply this solution to all other content on your website.

About the author 

Peter Hatch

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