January 28, 2019

Install Bluestacks in Windows 8.1/8/7 Without Graphic Card Error 25000

BlueStacks is the most popular and most stable app to run Android apps on computer. It’s available for both PC and Mac. But when you’ll try to install BlueStacks on your PC, that is, a Windows-based computer, its highly likely that you will get the infamous BlueStacks graphic card error. Bluestacks Graphics Card Error is a common bluestacks error

We generally “Your Graphics Drivers seem to be out-of-date. BlueStacks requires updated drivers to run. Update now?“.

Bluestacks error

Before going into the tutorial How to Solve Bluestacks Graphics Card Error lets initially know how to install blue stacks on your PC and what are the system requirements and even the reasons Graphics Card error.

How to install Bluestacks for PC:

Bluestacks is one of the most popular and free android emulator that allows people to install android apps and games on PC that means you no longer need to have android device to get the experience of android apps and games. These days you can find many android emulators on internet which can used as alternative of Bluestacks, but honestly Bluestacks is better than any android emulator.

BlueStacks is the most popular and most stable app to run Android apps on computer. It’s available for both PC and Mac.

Bluestacks stacks for PC

Install BlueStacks For PC/Laptop

  • First of all Download the Bluestack Offline Installer from following link to and start installation process using the below guide Download  Latest  Bluestacks Offline Installer.
    click here
  • After downloading the software double click on the file.
  • Click next to start installing and follow the instructions shown on the screen to complete the installation process.
  • After finishing you can start using your favorite  android apps on your computer  using bluestacks android app player for free.

Requirements To Install BlueStacks For PC/Laptop

Afterwards download, you better see the below requirements for installing BlueStacks in PC.

  • You should have internet connection while doing install also.
  • While doing download and install, you need to have high-speed internet.
  • If you have less speed, then it will take more time to install BlueStacks for laptop.
  • RAM – 2 GB Or more than that is recommended. Minimum RAM should be 1GB.

requirements for bluestacks

Reason for BlueStacks Error 25000

BlueStacks requires a good Graphics Card or Chipset and RAM (Minimum of 2GB) for its proper work. There are two type of Graphic card Driver, first one is Microsoft’s proprietary Direct3D which is needed to run Windows and second one is OpenGLwhich is need to run Android Apps. So if you don’t update your windows regularly, then OpenGL didn’t get updated as often as Direct3D. Therefore when you try to run Bluestacks on your system which is not get update, then Bluestacks shown the Error 25000.

How to Solve Graphic Card Error 25000 On BlueStacks

Method 1 :

The older version of bluestacks don’t require a higher end system requirement like the new version, and you will be able to install it without getting and graphic card error. I was able to install whatsapp and some other basic software, but when I tried apps like fruit ninja or angry birds; I couldn’t find them.

So if you are looking for whatsapp only then this might be the thing but for others who want use bluestacks with all it’s app proceed to solution to.

Download older version of Bluestacks :

click here


Method 2:

You need to update your graphic card manually to run all the things like new softwares and application. This is one of the obstacles in your path while installing bluestacks. If your graphic card is updated then you bluestacks installs in your pc’/machine successfully without any error. We are providing the direct link to update your graphic card for free.

Update graphics card  driver for AMD :

click here

Update graphics card  driver for nVIDIA :

click here

bluestacks without Graphic cards

Bluestacks is a great application that helps you to run Android apps on PC. The above solution is working for all laptops, but after follow all these steps, if you are still getting any errors please let me know in comments we will surely help you within hours. I hope this tutorial helped to you.

About the author 

Imran Uddin

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