We are seeing a large increase of drone videos – or videos that contain drone shots – on almost all video sharing platforms. This is due to the fact that drones, or MultiCopter, are now very affordable. On top of that, it is much easier to pilot the latest drones thanks to software and hardware flying aids. Creating a cool drone footage that will wow everyone is not that difficult at all. These next few tips will help you get started.
Royalty free image from Pixabay.com
1. Add a 3rd Dimension to Drone Movement
There are still a lot of drone videos that don’t fully utilize the drones’ capabilities. Most of the shots by enthusiasts still use 2 dimensional drone movement only. By 2 dimensional, I mean the drone only move to one direction. Although this type of shots can create a very dramatic effect, you can achieve so much more by introducing an additional dimension.
Instead of moving only forward, for instance, you can try moving forward and upward. This is a good set of movements for landscape shots, especially when you want to fully utilize the wide-angle lens of your drone’s camera.
You can also do the same when strafing or performing sideways movements. Another thing you can do is panning the camera, usually in the opposite direction of the drone’s course. This too will create a dramatic effect that will certainly spice up your videos.
2. Set the Camera Right
Even the most basic drone camera can be tuned to produce the best results. You can start by switching to a flat image profile if your camera supports it. It will require some color grading during post-production, but the extra dynamic range and richer details you get by using a flat image profile are definitely worth the extra time and efforts.
You also need to set the shutter speed to manual to avoid choppy movements. A good start is to set the shutter speed at twice your FPS. For example, using a 1/100 shutter speed when shooting at 50fps will produce the most cinematic look.
When you fly higher up, you can increase this shutter speed all the way to 1/500 to capture more details. On the other hand, going with 1/100 to 1/250 is more suitable for when you’re flying low or doing a close-to-ground sweet of the scenery.
3. Share and Ask Questions
As with other types of videography, the best way to improve is to learn from other drone videos. There are several video sharing platforms that accommodate drone videos. These platforms are filled with other pilots who are eager to show their work and how they shot them. Don’t hesitate to join the community, share your videos and ask questions whenever you see a cool drone footage on the platform.
[Watch Video]: Most amazing drone we have seen yet

Spicing up your drone videos is easy, especially once you have mastered flying your drone. You can focus more on movements, set your camera for maximum video quality and connect with other drone pilots and enthusiasts to get more tips on how to improve your shots. You’ll start producing gorgeous videos before you know it.