February 15, 2018

Google’s Next Big Android Update Is Said To Embrace iPhone ‘X’ Style Notch Design

Android P will launch later this year at Google I/O 2018, but we are already starting to see some leaked details about the platform update. Google is working on an overhaul of its Android mobile software for a new generation of smartphones and a sneak peek at Google’s next Android update hints the company could mimic Apple’s iPhone X-style camera “notch” design at the top of the screen.

android P

In a bid to attract more iOS users and make them switch to Android, the next major iteration of Android is reportedly looking to enhance the design of its upcoming operating system, reports Bloomberg citing sources close to Google.

‘Android P’ (internally referred as Pistachio Ice Cream), the next Android update is also expected to tightly integrate Google’s digital assistant, improved battery life and support new designs, like multiple screens and foldable displays, according to reports. Google is also thinking of adding the assistant into the search bar on the Android home screen and even allow third-party app developers to integrate the AI in their apps for a complete smooth function.

While there has been no official news or announcement from Google, Bloomberg cites “people familiar with the situation” in its report. However, we all have to wait until the official debut of Android P to see what Google has in store for Android users in 2018.

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