October 29, 2017

How New Technology Has Influenced the Work Environment

That technology has directly influenced the workplace is unquestionable. However, many wonder whether its effects on work are positive or negative. Although there are still doubts, the evolution towards jobs that are much more technologically advanced has meant a positive change. New technology has had a great effect on the business world and the art of trading. For example, now there are contracts for difference in the trading world thanks to innovative online trading platforms. Before this, they were only dealt with in the stock exchange. Similarly, many elements in the market have been innovated thanks to new technologies and systems.


Thanks to this, it has been possible to simplify the production processes and the ways in which some tasks are performed. In addition, it has made it possible to improve working conditions, increase security and promote communication and the flow of information exchange.

In fact, during the last few years, there has been a significant change in the labor and human resources field, as companies are more likely to demand candidates prepared to face the challenges that new technologies have imposed.

Advantages and disadvantages of new technology in the work environment

Although the balance is positive, the arrival of new technology in work environments also has many drawbacks.


  • Breaking barriers: Thanks to technology, barriers such as distance or inaccessibility have been overcome, allowing the development of work activity from anywhere, making it possible for large and small companies to compete at the global level and promote equality in the inclusion of people with family responsibilities or disability.
  • Increases efficiency, productivity and provides real-time information: In some sectors, the development of technology has been one of the most important factors to achieve modern, competitive, efficient and high productivity. Likewise, access to real-time information on company indicators has improved and anticipated decision-making.
  • It creates new professions and consequently, a change in the skills that are demanded; transdisciplinarity, social intelligence, design mentality or adaptive thinking are just a few. In this section, you will find very recent professions such as the mobile application developer, digital analyst or workers responsible for electronic commerce, as well as all those that are yet to come.
  • It offers more options for attracting talent. Considering that many people use digital channels to find employment, the presence of companies in these places is practically indispensable. From the point of view of human resources, these options make it possible to attract talent to a greater extent and to know the candidates much better.



  • It generates jobs with greater dependence. A great number of tasks depend directly or indirectly on technology and computers. An incidence or absence of these can prevent the normal development of work activity.
  • It requires a previous investment. To keep a company technologically updated, it is necessary to invest large sums of money. In addition, if it is not done, it is likely that the company will cease to be competitive in the market, be less efficient and lose productivity. Before making a large outlay, it is useful to study which technologies can be useful to the company and which are not.
  • It is necessary to have specialized talent, either by training the workers of the company or with the recruitment of technologically advanced profiles or by subcontracting certain tasks or services.


In the last decade, ICT has managed to revolutionize the world of work completely, giving rise to the emergence of new forms of work, management, and organization. The future of employment cannot be conceived without the influence of technology. In fact, it is anticipated that 65% of Generation Z members will work in positions related to it.

The new forms of employment created from technological developments have a common link: flexibility. Hence, there has been a profound change in the labor market and in the skills that are required by the companies and in the organization of the same.

In short, technology has helped to make day-to-day easier for both businesses (allowing faster and greater growth), workers (who are more efficient and productive) and human resource professionals (capable of managing and develop much more complex strategies). However, it should not be overlooked that it also forces new challenges.

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