July 20, 2021

Seeing the “There’s Nothing to Record” Error in Windows? Here’s How to Fix It

When you’re an avid gamer or perhaps you’re aspiring to become a gaming content creator on platforms such as YouTube, then it’s important to be able to record your gaming experience whenever you play a video game on your computer or laptop. Thanks to Windows 10’s Game DVR feature, you no longer have to download a third-party recording application because it can already do that for you. However, while this feature may indeed be a blessing to all gamers out there, some people have been experiencing a frustrating issue wherein they receive an error message saying “There’s nothing to record” or “Can’t record right now. Try again later” every time they try to record a game.

If you’re someone who relies on the Game DVR feature for your recording sessions, then this can be a major bummer. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to try and fix this error.

What Causes This Error?

Before diving into the troubleshooting steps, let’s first try and understand what causes this error to occur. For the most part, this particular record error appears whenever GamePlay videos are saved too often. Another possible reason is that the PC you’re using is unable to support Game DVR’s features or Game Bar.

What Are the Ways to Fix This Error?

Without a doubt, receiving this error when you’re super excited to start recording can be extremely annoying. However, don’t lose hope just yet—there are several methods you can try if you want to attempt to fix the error yourself. Don’t worry, these steps are super easy to do, and you can follow them with no problem even if you’re not a technology expert.

#1: Reinstall the Graphics Drivers

Sometimes, you can easily fix this Game DVR recording error by reinstalling some graphics drivers. If you have outdated graphics drivers, then it’s highly possible that this is the reason why your computer is unable to support the Game DVR or Game Bar feature of Windows 10. To start updating your drivers, follow the steps below:

  1. Run the dialogue box by pressing the Windows + R key at the same time.
  2. Once the dialogue box appears, type in devmgmt.msc and tap on OK. This should automatically open up the Device Manager.

3. You can find your graphics card driver by looking under the Display Adapters section of the Device Manager. Once you’ve found this section—it shouldn’t be difficult to locate—tap on the arrow to show all the drivers under this section.

4. Right-click on your graphics card adapter and tap on the Update Driver option. From there, your device will automatically install the latest version of your graphics card.

5. Restart your computer and you should be all set.

#2: Get Rid of Temporary Files

Another method you can try is to remove all of your temporary files. Not only has this worked for many users, but it can also help free up space on your computer. Here’s how to do this method:

  1. Open up your Start menu or as a shortcut, press the Windows key to open this up.
  2. Go to your computer’s Settings page.
  3. Head over to the Storage section and then select the This PC option.
  4. Scroll down a little bit until you find the Temporary Files option. Then, click on it.
  5. From there, select the option that says Delete Temporary Files and then restart your computer.

#3: Check for New Updates

During normal circumstances, your Windows device would typically update itself on its own with not issues. However, if you think that this is not the case for your computer and that it’s causing you to receive the Game DVR error, then you can try and update the software manually. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Press the Windows + X key at the same time to open up a menu. Tap on the Windows PowerShell (Admin) option.

2. After selecting this option, a dialogue box asking you if you’re giving the app permission to make changes to your device should appear. Click Yes.

3. When you’re within the Powershell console, type in cmd and this should trigger the Powershell to switch to an environment catering to cmd.

4. Afterward, type in the command wuauclt.exe /updatenow

5. Let the command run for at least an hour. After it’s done, check if it was able to successfully install some updates.


These are only some of the methods up our sleeve, but they’re definitely some of the most common and popular ones. Some work for others, while some don’t, so it’s important to try out another method if one doesn’t get rid of the error for you. If you tried out the troubleshooting steps we provided for you, we hope they were able to fix your “There’s nothing to record” issue.

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