February 18, 2020

Bullet Point ALT Code — (2020 Comprehensive Guide)

Here, we will guide you on how to write a bullet point on your digital documents, presentations, and apps through an ALT code. However, what exactly is an ALT code bullet?

In Microsoft Windows, or even in Linux and Mac OSX, there are certain characters that don’t have a dedicated key in the standard English keyboard. Nevertheless, you can still enter these characters through the help of an ALT Numpad Input Method. This is also known as an ALT code.

How Are ALT Codes Used?

You can activate these ALT codes by pressing down the ALT key on your keyboard while using the Numpad to type a certain number or a particular set of numbers. This is a quick and convenient way for entering characters that aren’t supported by ASCII.

However, if you haven’t enabled your keyboard’s Num Lock key, then typing an ALT Code could create some rather unexpected results, especially when you use certain applications together with it. This is due to the keyboard shortcuts that are integrated into these programs. For example, when you hold down the ALT key and then press 4 in the Numpad with Num Lock turned off while using a Web browser like Google Chrome, you’ll be taken to the previous page. That’s because instead of pressing 4 in the Numpad while the ALT key is held down, your Web browser translates what you’re pressing as ALT plus the left arrow key, which is the standard keyboard shortcut for the Back button.

Many of today’s laptops don’t have a separate numeric keypad. However, some allow you to use Numpad inputs by pressing down a modifier key, which is often known as the function or Fn key. This means you need to press and hold both the Fn key and the ALT key when you enter the Numpad code.

Also, keep in mind that Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and a few other applications under the Microsoft Office suite of tools process a corresponding numerical code when you type certain alphanumeric and special characters through the connected keyboard. This is usually known as ASCII codes, which is one of the main reasons why text can be displayed, entered, and edited in almost all software programs. This is also the same reason why passwords in these programs happen to be case sensitive.

You can individually insert any of these characters and codes through standard key combinations, such as ALT + the decimal point key of the Numpad. You can also use the Symbols Library if you want.

How to Use ALT Code Bullet — Microsoft Windows

We often use these bullet points to build up entries inside a presentation or a document. You can type in a bullet symbol or locate a dot symbol with the aid of several codes, all the while using the Alt key on a Windows keyboard. You can also type down one using a Mac computer or PC, or find one in the Mac and Windows character map tools.

Typing a Bullet Point

If you’re using a computer that’s running on Microsoft Windows 10 or earlier, then you can type a bullet by holding down the ALT key and consecutively pressing 0149 in the Numpad. As mentioned earlier, make sure that the Num Lock key of your keyboard is enabled before doing this.

However, what if your computer doesn’t have its Numpad, or if you don’t feel quite comfortable using this particular method? Well, you can download lots of software tools that can give you a variety of ways to insert a bullet point. Here are just a few of the most popular applications that allow you to write a bullet point and copy-paste it unto any other supported program:

Typing a Bullet Point on Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word builds up a bulleted list if you start things off with a line of text using the asterisk symbol. This is one of the standard keys in the row of numbers above the first line of letters on your keyboard. To type the asterisk character, press SHIFT+8 (not in the Numpad).

Then, press the spacebar once. The asterisk will automatically turn into a bullet point. Plus, when you perform a line break by pressing Enter once, another bullet point will automatically appear below the previous line.

Typing a Bullet Point on Microsoft Excel

For Microsoft Excel, you can click on the “Insert” tab. This is found on the ribbon menu. Then, click the “Symbol.” Inside the Character Code input window, find the dialog box and then type 2022.

Afterward, click “Insert”. Then, click “Close”. A bullet will automatically appear in the cell where the PC cursor is currently on focus.

HTML Codes for Creating a Bulleted List

If you want to create a Web page with bullet points for a standard list using HTML codes, then this can be quite simple for Web developers. However, it can be a little bit challenging for those without any HTML coding experience.

To do this, simply use the standard HTML tags for an unordered list. The opening tag is <ul>, and the closing tag is </ul>. Meanwhile, for each item in the bulleted list, use <li> as the opener and </li> as the closer. Here’s an example HTML list with bullet points for each of the three items:

<ul><li>Item 1;</li>

<li>Item 2; and</li>

<li>Item 3.</li></ul>

You can create this HTML Web page through a standard text editing application like Notepad. Here’s the full HTML source for this simple Web page with a bulleted list of 3 items, which you can copy-paste in Notepad, and then save as an HTML document:



<title>Simple Bulleted List</title>


<ul><li>Item 1;</li>

<li>Item 2; and</li>

<li>Item 3.</li></ul>



At this point, open the HTML document that you saved using your preferred Web browser. This should be how it looks (you’ll notice that the title of your Web browser window is “Simple Bulleted List,” without quotes):

• Item 1;

• Item 2; and

• Item 3.

Inserting a Bullet Using Microsoft Windows Character Map

Another option is by using the Windows Character Map. This is an applet that’s built into modern Microsoft Windows operating system versions like Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. It might also be available in older Microsoft Windows OS versions like XP and Vista.

In Microsoft Windows 10, you can type in Character Map inside the search box found on the Start Menu. You can also go to the taskbar to activate the program. Once the applet opens, you can now browse through a long list of special characters, until you find what you want to use.

You can then highlight it and click the “Select” button to move it to the “Characters to Copy” field. Pick the font that you want to use after clicking on the drop-down menu. You can now choose the character that you want inside the “Characters to Copy” field, and then click on the “Copy” button. Go to the program where you want to type your chosen special character, then use the paste function of that application. Another option is to use the keyboard shortcut for pasting text and files, which is performed by holding down the CTRL key and then hitting the v key. This is to paste your selected character on the document or program.

How to Type a Bullet — Mac OSX

Bullets are graphical elements that you can use in a document to itemize a particular list. The same bullets are also meant to highlight a certain point, or an array of points. Even though the most common one is the rounded bullet, there are also special bullets that you can use, such as square bullets, pointed-finger bullets, and diamond bullets.

The ways that you can use to write these bullets in a digital document depend on the operating system that you’re using. Here’s what you can do to type a bullet point in MAC OSX:

  • Open up the application where you want to type the bullet;
  • Put the blinking cursor at the exact point where you want to place the bullet;
  • Press on the Option and eight keys on your keyboard simultaneously. This will produce a rounded black bullet; and
  • Press Option+Shift+8 to insert another black bullet, this time with a hollow space in the middle.

Mac Emojis & Symbols

Mac OSX’s Emoji & Symbols menu is quite similar to the Windows Character Map. You can open up this applet by clicking on the Edit menu, which is found in most built-in and third-party Mac OSX programs. Then, click on “Emoji & Symbols”.

Go through the symbols individually, or pick a search box to look for your preferred symbol or emoji by its name. You can now click on the symbol that you want to place on your document or application.

Typing Hyphens to Automatically Generate Bullets in Mac OSX

Similar to a Microsoft Word document where you can use the asterisk symbol to automatically convert it into a bullet for your lists, you can also use hyphens in place of bullets on Mac Keynotes and Pages. However, the main difference here is that Mac requires you to first type the content before putting a line break by pressing Enter, in order to create a bulleted list.

How to Type Bullets — Linux

The easiest way to type a bullet in a variety of popular Linux distributions like Ubuntu and Debian is to use the ALT code bullet sequence. You can do this by pressing CTRL+Shift +U+2022 in the Numpad.

How to Insert Symbols from the Symbols Library

Many operating systems of computers today have a Symbols Library. This is among the most common ways for placing special characters that aren’t available in a standard English keyboard. Here’s how to use this:

  • Click on the Insert tab, which is found in many modern word processors, text editing applications, and other programs where you can type text;
  • Click “Symbols”. A tiny dialogue box will often be displayed in the screen when you do this;
  • Pick a symbol. The window usually includes over 20 samples; and
  • Click “More Symbols” and select one from the Symbols Library. You can find this when you use the standard text font.

Microsoft Word remembers the last 20 symbols that you used for a document. The program puts them in the dialog window. Think of it as something like a symbol speed-dial. When you want to use a particular ASCII symbol, this can be a useful feature.

Notice how Microsoft Word gives the number of the Character Code from its ASCII Decimal Table. This is alongside the name of the symbol as well as the ALT+numpad key combinations found below the Symbols dialog window.

You can also try using ASCII codes, especially when you need to do this many times in a document or application. All you have to do is to press ALT followed by the ASCII code that corresponds to the special character that you want to use.

However, there are also plenty of other reasons why you can utilize ASCII codes, including broken keys and availability. That’s because certain characters might not be found in your operating system’s Symbols Library, especially since your fonts might not be able to support them by default.

The same problem occurs when one of the keys in your keyboard gets damaged. The spacebar, for instance, is usually among the first keys to stop working because it’s used more frequently than others.

So remember, when placing an ASCII code on a document, keep in mind to press down and hold the ALT key before typing 0 in the Numpad followed by the numerical code. For instance, if you want to write the bullet symbol in a document, remember that its ASCII code is 149. This means you must press ALT+0+149 (use the Numpad when entering each number, and don’t forget to enable the Num Lock key).

Apart from keyboard characters, there are also decimal codes for Latin and Greek characters, accent letters, pronunciation symbols over particular letters, as well as mathematical symbols. This includes square root and division operators, among others. However, the most popular of these are icons and graphical symbols.

Types of List Markers in Digital Documents & Applications

You can use various types of markers for all sorts of documents and applications. You simply need to choose which type of marker to choose for your lists. So to help you out — Here are some of the most frequently used kinds of markers for digital documents and applications across a variety of operating systems:

  • Symbols – These markers, such as bullets, are commonly used for unordered lists;
  • Numbers – Numbers are meant for ordered lists with its own counts;
  • Letters – Basically, these are also used for ordered lists, except letters are used in place of numbers;
  • Customized Images – Smaller images can be placed in front of your text lines. Just be sure to properly align them; and
  • Font Icons – These bullets are often used for Web documents and presentations.

They may be small and straightforward, but bullets can be quite handy for making the points that you want to emphasize in your documents and presentations to look clear and organized. So, you’re advised to take note of these ALT code bullet sequences and tips. This way, you’ll be able to use these ALT bullet codes for your next presentations, Web pages, blog posts, and write-ups.

About the author 

Imran Uddin

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