Nowadays, whenever you try to create an account on any website or any app such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram and etc, you are asked to enter your phone number for verification. This step has become mandatory for every user before using the services provided by an application.
There may be times when you get annoyed by the procedure and doesn’t want to share your phone number for validation. In case you are wondering how to bypass the SMS or call verification on any website or app, don’t worry! we got your back. Here is the procedure to avoid entering your personal mobile number and bypass the One Time Password step:
List Of Websites that Provides Online Mobile Number
Firstly, you need to know that the procedure to avoid entering your phone number includes using an alternative mobile number provided by third-party websites or apps and then entering the OTP that is sent to that particular number. And given below are few websites that provide you an alternative mobile number as well as a one time password to enter at the time of verification.
Most of these websites support major countries such as United States, United Kingdom, India, Canada and etc.
Procedure to Bypass SMS/Call Verification on any Website/ App
1.Open any website from the list mentioned above.
2. Upon opening the website, you will find many phone numbers next to their country symbol.
3. Choose a number according to your country.
4. Now, enter the number on the website where you want to bypass the OTP (One Time Password). It will now send the OTP to the entered mobile number.
5. Go to the first website > click the number you have chosen and you will see all the recent SMS received on that mobile number.
6. Copy the OTP code and paste it on the website to bypass the verification.
7. That’s it! You have now successfully bypassed the OTP verification without actually using your Phone number.
Android/iOS Apps for Bypassing Mobile Number Verification
Apart from using the above-mentioned websites, there are few apps which can be installed on your mobile from the play store that provide the same services as the above websites. Install any of the below-mentioned apps for bypassing the mobile number verification.
- Spikko – Virtual phone numbers
- Nextplus Free SMS Text + Calls
- textPlus: Free Text & Calls
- Burner – Free Phone Number
- Primo
The procedure of getting a mobile number and OTP using an app is similar to depending a website.
Did you find these tricks helpful? If you know any other alternatives, please share them in comments below!