Google SEO (in 2019): Backlinks, OnPage, RankBrain, CTR, Title Tags –
No one on the planet earth can decline the fact that Trend of “Search Engine Optimisation,” precisely Google SEO, is increasing exponentially on the yearly graph. Google SEO in 2010 AND Google SEO in 2019 has been/ will be totally changed. (Note: Google is the largest search engine in the universe, thus, in this post, by search engine, we will refer to GOOGLE mainly.) Undoubtedly, the reason is progressive alterations in the algorithms of Google or other Search Engine Giants. According to existing search engine optimisation gurus in the industry, there are more than 200 ranking factors to get higher rankings in Google.
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But like another filtration processes in the market, Google also has three factors that are most preferred while assigning higher appearance in SERP (Search Engine Results Page). These are – content, backlinks and RankBrain. In an essay, Bill Gates in 1996 wrote “Content Is King,” and, after that, this quote of Microsoft Co-founder has gone viral. Viral and useful enough that it became of the major ranking factor of 1998 founded Search Engine Giant – Google. In the real world, it’s not content ONLY that will bring you higher rankings. Actually, it’s a mixture of all, mainly these three. Basically, content should be written in a manner that it satisfies a Google visitor.
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Indeed, Google works on the most basic and crucial marketing strategy of all the time and is applicable to all the private and publicly held companies of this world i.e. USER SATISFACTION. When a visitor searches for any term in Google, algorithms of a search engine work in a manner of further sending that visitor to a website which can fully satisfy that customer. In a major way, ranking factors of the Google can be divided into following categories – Off-site webspam factors, On-site webspam factors, Brand Signals, Special Google Algorithm Rules, User Interaction, Backlink Factors, Site-level factors, Page-level factors and Domain Factors.
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Domain factors mainly include- Country TLD extension, Penalized WhoIs Owner, Public vs. Private WhoIs, Exact Match Domains, Domain History, Keyword in Subdomain, Domain Registration Length, Keyword as the first word in Domain, Keyword appears in Top Level Domain and Domain Age.
Here, Page Level Factors mainly includes – Useful content, parked domains, user friendly layout, Page age, quantity of other keywords Page Ranks for, too many outbound links, priority of Page in Sitemap, Bullets and numbered lists, Reference and Sources, URL string, keyword in URL, WordPress Tags, Page category, human editors, URL path, URL length, Page’s PageRank, Domain Authority, HTML errors/W3C validation, affiliate links, reading level, broken links, Quality of internal links pointing to a page, Number of Internal links pointing to a page, multimedia, number of outbound links, content hidden behind tabs, helpful “supplementary content”, Hidden content on mobile.
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Mobile SEO now matters more than anything thus – mobile usability, mobile-friendly update, syndicated content, grammar and spelling, outbound link theme, outbound link quality, Keyword in H2, H3 Tags, keyword prominence, historical page update, magnitude of content updates, content recency, Image optimisation, Rel=canonical, duplicate content, Google Hummingbird, entity match, use of AMP, page loading speed via Chrome, Page loading speed via HTML, page covers topic in-depth, LSI keywords in Title and Description Tags, Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords in Content (LSI), Keyword Density, Table of Content, Content-Length, TF-IDF, Keyword Appears in H1 Tage, Keyword in Description Tage, Title Tag Starts with Keyword, Keyword in Title Tag.
Importance of Backlinks in Google Rankings In 2019
One who has the perfected the art of Backlinks Building in search engine optimisation is the real master of SEO. Backlinks have been one of the most powerful signals which let the google know about your authority. Way three-four years back, Backlinks definition for Google was – the number of websites pointing a link to yours. But the definition has changed a bit in 2018 (will be changed in 2019 as well). Now Backlinks are counted as the number of authorised relevant pages/ websites pointing a natural link to your website. Both, if pages and websites are relevant, it’s best.
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Even if the website is not in your niche and page is, it’s better (and will work). Supposedly, a news website like Washington Post is linking back to your Dog’s niche site. Although, the category of both the websites is not exactly the same. Yet, a dog news article on Washington post like “Noah’s Ark except it’s a school bus: Truck driver rescues 64 dogs and cats from floods of Hurricane Florence” if links back to your Dog niche article, it’s far far better than high authority backlinks from irrelevant niche websites. Thus, here’s what you need to take care of while guest posting also.
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Earlier comment backlinks, profile backlinks and other spammy methods used to work. But, with the passage of time now, mainly editorial links matters the most. Earlier many bloggers while going for event blogging used to prefer Site Wide links. And, now, Google challenges you to take any on your long-term blog or even for a long time on event blog. Doing this may let your event blog blast even before the occurrence of the event. Then what works these days? Now, editorial or contextual links (with a very fine line between the facts that they are natural or they look natural) works best these days.
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But, with the passage of time, even in 2019, the way Google count these editorial or contextual links may change. Thus, mainly Google SEO in 2019 will tend to unspammy methods directing in most possible user satisfaction. That is what RankBrain is made for. RankBrain is all the time LIVE working Google’s specially designed Artificial Intelligence-based Algorithm that keeps only and only – USER SATISFACTION in its machinery mind. Moreover, link juice flows from page to page. Thus, the webpage that links to you should also have high authority, natural, good and relevant backlinks pointing to itself.
Importance of OnPage SEO in Google Rankings In 2019
The term search engine optimisation OR (Google SEO 2019) is mainly divided into two portions i.e. OnPage SEO and OffPage SEO. According to SEO gurus in the market, major factors that leads to better On Page Search Engine Optimisation are boosting dwell time, posting long content, using social sharing buttons, Image optimisation, Sprinkling LSI keywords, boosting site speed, using internal links, using outbound links, using responsive design, dropping keyword in first hundred words, wrapping subheadings in H2 tags, dazzling with multimedia, wrapping your blog post title tags in H1 heading, adding modifiers to your title, starting title with keyword, using SEO friendly URLs.
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Social Signals matters a lot. Not only in increasing the Moz’s domain authority or page authority but also helpful in Higher Rankins in the search engine. What is Google’s Take on this? In general, when a visitor reads an article on the web page of the site, he/ she lefts out without sharing the content. But there are times when the content is shared. And, this only happens when the writers have put enough efforts to make that article insanely awesome. In such a case, one who has read the content holds a wish that such awesome article should also be read by his/ her friends, family or others.
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And, the good news is that – Google consider this signal a lot. When algorithms of Google observes how happy the user is from this article, content automatically tends to rank higher in Google SEO (Note: this will undoubtedly work in 2019 as well). Apart from that, make sure to sprinkle LSI keywords or Latent semantic indexing keywords in your blog post. Not so expert person will now directly ask where to find these LSI keywords. It’s insanely simple. Just type and search your keyword in Google. Scroll down till last.
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In the end, you will find written over there as Searches related to “keyword you have entered”. Just below that, a number of related keywords are given. You must make sure to sprinkle these keywords in your content with meaningful sentences. Like for OnPage SEO, LSI keywords (here in India at the time of writing this piece of content are) – On Page SEO Definition, On Page SEO Checklist, On Page SEO Techniques, On Page SEO 2019, On Page SEO Checklist 2019, What Is OnPage SEO and OffPage SEO, On-Page SEO Techniques 2019. Here’s you must be able to observe a pattern that all LSI keywords are either related to or revolve around OnPage SEO keyword.
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Also, make sure to type in your focus keyword (if you are using the Yoast plugin in WordPress), OR, your target keyword in the first 100 words in a super meaningful manner. To increase the page of time, which is another most important Google Factor to stay at its position in 2019. make sure to put in a number of images/ videos and other multimedia. Why? because of all the bloggers in the house, Google only asks one thing to have – please, please, please create an engaging and compelling content.
Importance Of CTR (Click Through Rate) in Search Engine Optimisation In 2019
First of all, just remember that here we’re mainly talking about Organic CTR and not Adwords CTR. Although, indirectly, both are one and the same thing and have a common goal of receiving maximum possible clicks. Increase CTR always also led to higher rankings. Even in the case of earnings from Google Adsense, increased CTR leads to higher RPM, thus, more earnings. But an excess of everything is bad. Excessive inorganic CTR in google adsense may lead to permanent ban of your Google Adsense Account even without a proper warning. So, let’s ultimately understand the science behind “How Higher CTR helps in Greater Rankings.”
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When a visitor searches for the keywords in Google, he/ she have a number of websites to go through. And, needless to say, maximum of them click on the website which is at the top. But, here is a game changer i.e. TITLE TAGS. Now, how title tags matter is – more appealing it is, you’ve greater chances of clicking through. How? here is an example. Supposedly, a student has taken JEE Mains examination and waiting for the results. (Note: JEE has a full form of Joint Entrance Examination which is an engineering entrance examination in India for admissions into Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) for various UG and PG courses.)
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Now at number 1 and 2 position are those websites who have not updated their page about the latest news according to which JEE Main 2019 Result has been announced. Thus, their title tags look something like this – JEE MAIN RESULTS 2019 RELEASING SOON ONLINE ON OFFICIAL WEBSITE. Now, on the other hand, website at the third position looks something like that – JEE MAIN RESULTS DECLARED FOR SESSION 2019, DIRECT LINKS AVAILABLE HERE. Hope you can see the difference. Since the third link is more updated, latest and holds greater user satisfaction.
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Thus, now JEE Main students are more likely to click on the website on the third position. Here the game begins. As soon as RankBrain starts observing that third website is getting more clicks in comparison to first and second, it will put the third website on the first position and will shift remaining ones accordingly. Because Google will wish it’s other users also see that web portal first which is loved by the most in this field. This will indirectly lead to an increase in the Click Through Rate for that website which can also be checked with a detailed analysis in the GWT or the Google Webmaster Tools.
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Following this example, you may have learnt the importance of alterations in your Title Tags. But, just apart from the user satisfaction, there is one more tip regarding Title Tag. Make sure to include your target keyword while publishing your article in your Title Tag. That’ll help Google recognize what your content is all about. Keeping these details in mind, you can increase your CTR at the minimum to 20% just be implementing the tips. The world knows that before clicking on your post link, visitors also go through Meta description, thus, take care of that as well.
Importance Of RankBrain In Google, Yahoo, Bing Rankings In 2019
As already discussed above – DWELL TIME, CONTENT SATISFACTION and CTR is the three most important factors based on which RankBrain works. And the interesting part is – All the three are related at a point. Here’s how – if you have a very well designed Title Tags, undoubtedly, you’re going to have an awesome Click Through Rate. Now, since the search engine’s visitors have already clicked on your website, they should stay for a longer time. Longer the better. The more visitor stays, it gives a signal to the RankBrain that whatever is written on this page is extremely useful, that is the reason visitor is not leaving that page in a short time.
This time, user spending on your website irrespective of the fact whether it is – Average Time On Page OR Average Session Duration of the Page is known as the Dwell Time in the SEO or Bloggers Market. As of now, when it comes to Google SEO 2019, nothing matters more than RankBrain. In short, to have higher rankings, thus to get more visitors, your website should be an apple of the eye of RankBrain machinery AI-based algorithm. And, that is only possible when you create a compelling content overall.
In a complete in-depth analysis of RankBrain, SEO experts like Brian Dean put in front of the public that it not only filters the SERPs or Search Engine Results Page but also, understand the search queries or Keywords. In simple words, as soon as a person types in the keyword, RankBrain starts recording and analysing the procedure. It takes keyword as a concept more and keyword less. It observes the Google’s visitor practice. It will rank the website which satisfies that user and will downrank which does the opposite.
Search Engine Optimisation In 2019 (Conclusion)
Besides, everything that is mentioned above. In 2019, SEO will change a lot, but basic was of getting higher rankings naturally won’t die. Once practiced all the above mentioned ones on your website, at the minor levels, also make sure to scrutinize through – temporary link schemes, reconsideration request, disavow tool, google dance, Google Sandbox, Selling Links, manual actions, links from articles and press releases, unnatural link spike, “Poison” anchor text, links from the Same Class C IP, Widget links, low-quality directory links, Unnatural Links warning, linking domain relevancy, link profile with high% of low quality links, penguin penalty, unnatural influx of links, Meta Tag Spamming.
And, this one you may not know about – IP address flagged as Spam, Excess PageRank sculpting, autogenerated content, affiliate sites, Fred, hiding affiliate links, ads above the fold, doorway pages, gibberish content, site-over optimisation, interstitial popups, popups or “distracting ads”, redirects, Links to bad neighbourhood, Panda Penalty, brick and mortar location, Brand Mentions on top stories, unlinked brand mentions, legitimacy of social media accounts, known authorship, official LinkedIn company page, site has twitter profile with followers, site has facebook page and likes, Brand + keyword searches, Branded searches, Brand name anchor text, payday loans update, Single site results for brands, easter egg results, image results etc.
Shopping results, big brand preference, top stories Box, local searches, transactional searches, domain diversity, DMCA complaints, YMYL Keywords, Google + Circles, safe search, Geo Targeting, Featured Snippets, user search history, user browsing history, query deserves diversity, query deserves freshness, dwell time, number of comments, chrome bookmarks, blocked sites, pogosticking, repeat traffic, direct traffic, bounce rate, organic CTR for all keywords, Organic Click through rate for a keyword, RankBrain, sitewide links, quality of linked content, word count of linking content, forum links, number of outbound links on page, TrustRank of linking site, Usage, links from 301.
And, user-generated content links, reciprocal links, natural link profile, links from real sites vs. Splogs, Backlink age, co-occurrences, linked to Wikipedia Sources, link from Authority sites, links from Hub Pages, negative link velocity, positive link velocity, keyword in title, page level relevancy, linking domain relevancy, link location on Page, link location in content, country TLD or referring domain, link title attribution, internal link anchor text, excessive 301 redirects to page, contextual links, Sponsored links or other words around links, diversity of link types, nofollow links and Home Page Authority etc. Links from ads, Guest posts, Links from expected websites, links from competitors.
It’s not the first time ALLTECHBUZZ is covering each and everything related to Search Engine Optimisation. Thus, make sure to read below-provided guides of Google SEO (this is the only guide for 2019) as well –
- SEO Friendly Images Tips, WordPress Plugins (Not Working), Alternatives
- How to Recover your Blog/Website from Negative SEO – Case Study
- How Important Is SEO? Here Are The Biggest benefits Of Implementing SEO On Your Website!
- How to Install and Setup WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin in 2017 – Settings
- You Need to Focus on SEO When You Start a Blog and Here we Listed Areas to Look Into